
Where is the house from The Blind Side?

Where is the house from The Blind Side?

Another slice of Atlanta’s Hollywood history is on the market. Harry Norman, Realtors listed 3394 Knollwood Drive in Buckhead, whose interiors were featured in the movie “The Blind Side,” for $3.9 million.

What part of Memphis was The Blind Side filmed?

Production Designer Michael Corenblith says he wanted to emphasize the disparity between East Memphis, where wealthy families like the Tuohys live, and the poverty of Hurt Village, where Michael grew up on the other side of town.

Was blind side a true story?

The Blind Side movie is the official adaptation of the novel The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game. The movie is indeed based on a true story as Michael Oher is an actual player in the Baltimore Ravens team and the book also chronicles his life from an impoverished life to that of a star player.

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Where did the Tuohy family live?

Memphis, Tennessee
Tuohy and her husband live in Memphis, Tennessee.

Where did Leigh Anne Tuohy live?

Leigh Anne Tuohy/Places lived

Is the guy from The Blind Side still playing football?

Michael Oher retired from the NFL in 2017 After his five-year run with the Ravens, Oher signed a four-year, $20 million contract with the Tennessee Titans. While Oher retired from football after failing a physical in 2017, the story of the true-life inspiration behind “The Blind Side” has a happy ending.

What happened to Collins Tuohy?

Collins is Co-Owner and the Director of Marketing and Sales at Whimsy Cookie Company in Memphis, TN.

Did Sean Tuohy play in the NBA?

Tuohy is only the fourth basketball player ever chosen to the Ole Miss Sports Hall of Fame. Drafted by the NBA’s New Jersey Nets with the 218th pick (Round 10) in 1982, he opted to continue his career overseas before returning to the U.S. to be with his father in his final days.

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What are the Tuohys doing now?

The Tuohy family now lives in Memphis, Tennessee, and owns more than 80 fast-food franchises such as Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut and Long John Silver’s.