
Which DC generator has the poorest voltage regulation?

Which DC generator has the poorest voltage regulation?

DC series generator
During the no-load condition, the DC series generator has the poorest voltage regulation.

Why the DC series generator produces a small voltage when off load?

Under low-load current conditions, the current that flows in the load and through the generator is small. Since small current means that a small magnetic field is set up by the field poles, only a small voltage is induced in the armature. If the resistance of the load decreases, the load current increases.

Why is series generator not practical?

Variation in load resistance causes the terminal voltage to vary. The terminal voltage will start falling, at saturation armature reaction effect becomes pronounced at large load current. Hence, series generators are not used for delivering power at a constant voltage.

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What is the voltage regulation of a DC generator?

Ideally DC generators should have zero voltage regulation. Any increase in load current causes an increase in the field and hence the terminal voltage rises. Hence it has negative voltage regulation and it has the poorest voltage regulation.

Which DC generator has highest voltage regulation?

In such a generator, the induced voltage on no-load would be the same as for the shunt generator because series field does not create any flux. So it behaves like DC shunt generator, which has a very good regulation.

Why does a series generator have rising characteristics?

It should be noted that the DC series generator has rising characteristics because its terminal voltage increases as the load current increases. However the terminal voltage starts to decrease at high loads due to excessive demagnetizing effect of armature reaction.

How do DC generators increase voltage?

Replacing the field magnets with stronger magnets would increase the voltage, but this is probably impractical. On the other hand, if your generator has field coils instead of magnets, a small increase in the excitation voltage results in a proportional change in the output voltage.

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What is a DC series generator?

1. DC Series Generator. In a series-wound generator, the field winding is connected in series with armature winding so that whole armature current flows through the field winding as well as the load. Since the field winding carries the whole of load current, it has a few turns of thick wire having low resistance.

What determines the voltage regulation of a DC shunt generator?

In a shunt-wound DC generator, the output voltage is determined by the rotational speed of the armature and the density of the stationary magnetic field flux.

Which DC machine has best voltage regulation?