
Which is best organic fertilizer?

Which is best organic fertilizer?

Raw organic fertilizers and their uses

Raw Organic Fertilizers N P K ratio and micronutrients
Organic cottonseed meal 6:3:2
Corn gluten meal 8:0:0
Bone meal 5:5:6
Rock phosphate 0:3:0

Is Schultz liquid plant food organic?

The reassuring answer to this question is that because Schultz plant food is synthetic rather than organic, meaning that it has a much longer shelf life than natural plant food.

What brand of fertilizer works best?

The Top 5 Best Lawn Fertilizers

  1. Scotts Green Max Fertilizer. If you want easy and quick green grass, then Scotts Green Max is the fertilizer for you.
  2. Miracle-Gro Lawn Food. This is one of the most popular lawn fertilizers for a reason.
  3. Safer Brand 9333 Ringer Fertilizer.
  4. Milorganite 0636 Fertilizer.
  5. Scotts Turf Builder.
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What are the three major types of organic fertilizer?

Type of Organic Fertilizer

  • Bone Meal. Bone meal is made from crushed animal bones.
  • Blood meal. A blood meal is a dried form of animal blood.
  • Animal Manure. It can come from a variety of animals.
  • Fish meal.
  • Fish Emulsion.
  • Shellfish.

What is one disadvantage of liquid fertilizer?

The main disadvantages that come with liquid fertilizer is that they can sometimes be more expensive than granular fertilizers, and they are more susceptible to volatilization (or turned into a gas and potentially evaporated into the atmosphere).

What is the best liquid fertilizer for hay fields?

If you have equipment to spray liquid fertilizer we recommend the following: Hay field, pasture or turf – Grass and Clover or Alfalfa 1 lb. Maxicrop soluble seaweed mixed with 1 qt. 12\% Bio Hume dissolved in enough water to cover 1 acre, spray after first and second cutting or rotation.

What is the best fertilizer in the world?

BEST OVERALL: Jobe’s Organics All Purpose Granular Fertilizer.

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  • BEST VEGETABLE FERTILIZER: Dr. Earth Home Grown Tomato, Vegetable & Herb.
  • BEST FLOWER FERTILIZER: Jobe’s Organics Annuals and Perennials.
  • BEST STARTER FERTILIZER: Espoma Organic Bio-Tone Starter.
  • BEST ACID FERTILIZER: Dr. Earth Organic Acid-Lovers Fertilizer.
  • Who owns Schultz fertilizer?

    Knox Fertilizer Company
    Schultz Plant Food – Knox Fertilizer Company.

    Is Schultz fertilizer good?

    This fertiliser works beautifully, and it is so easy to use. Just a few drops to a gallon of water each time one waters one’s plants is all it takes to achieve great results. I hope they never stop making this fertiliser because it is the best and easiest fertiliser I have ever used, and it is reasonably priced.