
Which is better air-cooled or water-cooled boat motor?

Which is better air-cooled or water-cooled boat motor?

Water cooling protects the engine from temp extremes better, allowing tighter tolerances and smoother operation and prolonging component life. Air cooled engines have be made to allow for greater expansion due to heat, so they never are as smooth.

Why is my 2 stroke so loud?

The main reason that two stroke engines are loud is that they fire twice as often as four stroke engines. Two stroke engines have a very extensively designed exhaust system (expansion chamber) that reflects the sound wave back to the cylinder at a specific time.

Why do air cooled engines burn oil?

Air-cooled aircraft engines must deal with a large range of operating temperatures and oil is consumed due to the relatively looser fit of the piston rings.

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How does an outboard motor cooling system work?

Outboard motors are typically designed as open loop cooling systems. Meaning the motor draws water from the host body. That water is circulated through the engine, and fuel pump to maintain prop engine temperatures. After passing through the engine or fuel pump the water is then dumped back into the host body.

What are the pros and cons of air cooled engines?

Air Cooled engine:

  • Pros: Air cooled engines are easier to manufacture, are cheaper and pretty easy to maintain.
  • Cons: Least efficient of all and hence can not be used in high performance engines.
  • Motorcycles Using Air Cooling – Almost all commuter motorcycles like Splendor, Shine, Pulsar 150 etc.

Are two strokes louder than four strokes?

Typically, a 2-stroke engine creates more torque at a higher RPM, while a 4-stroke engine creates a higher torque at a lower RPM. The 4-stroke engine is also much quieter, a 2-stoke engine is significantly louder and has a distinctive, high-pitched “buzzing” sound. That being said, 2-stroke engines are more powerful.