
Which is correct slow up or slow down?

Which is correct slow up or slow down?

Slow down is common in many circumstances in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast U.S. It is used to ask someone to drive more slowly, walk more slowly, or speak more slowly. I remember hearing “slow up” more when I was a child, decades ago. It was usually said by a passenger to a driver….

Is slow up a word?

a delay or retardation in progress or activity; slowdown.

What does slow it up mean?

: a slowing up specifically : a marked decline in activity.

What does slow someone down mean?

To delay someone or something; retard someone or something: An injury slowed down the runner.

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What does it mean to slow your roll?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. “Slow Your Roll” is an expression to instruct someone to reduce the pace or enthusiasm for which they are doing something.

What is the English meaning of slow down?

phrasal verb. If something slows down or if something slows it down, it starts to move or happen more slowly. The car slowed down as they passed Customs. [ VERB PARTICLE]

What is another word for slow down?

1 slackening, falloff, decline, flagging.

How do you say slow down in British?

Synonyms of ‘slow down’ in British English

  1. relax. I ought to relax and stop worrying about it.
  2. rest. He has been advised to rest for two weeks.
  3. unwind. It helps them to unwind after a busy day at work.
  4. chill out (slang) Take it easy, man – you need to chill out.
  5. outspan (South Africa)

What is the opposite of slow down?

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Main entry: slow down, decelerate. Definition: reduce the speed of. Usage: He slowed down the car. Antonyms: accelerate, speed, speed up. Definition: cause to move faster.

When girls say slow your roll?

“Slow Your Roll” is an expression to instruct someone to reduce the pace or enthusiasm for which they are doing something.