
Which is more acidic phenol or?

Which is more acidic phenol or?

Phenol is more acidic than cyclohexanol and acyclic alcohols because the phenoxide ion is more stable than the alkoxide ion. In an alkoxide ion, such as the one derived from cyclohexanol, the negative charge is localized at the oxygen atom.

Which is more acidic c6h5oh or c6h5sh?

Here c6h5o- and c6h5s- so as per electro negativity oxygen is more but as per size sulphur is bigger than oxygen so when bigger size nagativ charge more distribution so thio phenyl is more acidic then compare to phenol.

Which is more acidic alcohols or phenols?

Phenols are much more acidic than alcohols because the negative charge in the phenoxide ion is not localized on the oxygen atom, as it is in an alkoxide ion, but is delocalized-it is shared by a number of carbon atoms in the benzene ring.

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Which is more acidic phenol or Ethyne?

Phenol is more acidic than acetylene ( ethyne ) due to its hydroxyl group. Phenol can lose a hydrogen ion because the phenoxide ion formed is stabilised. The negative charge on the oxygen atom is delocalised around the Benzylic ring. Hence, phenol is considered an organic Brønsted acid.

How many among the given is more acidic than phenol?

O-cresol, m-cresol, water, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, 2,4-dimethylphenol, p-ethylphenol, diimethylcarbinol. all alcohols and phenols having electron-donating groups are less acidic than phenol, i.e., all. In order words Ans. Is zero.

Which of the two c6h5oh or c2h5oh is more acidic?

Phenol is a stronger acid than ethanol because the phenoxide ion is stabilized by resonance of the anion with the phenyl ring.

Which of the following are less acidic than c6h5oh?

Water (pKa=14) is less acidic than phenol (pKa≡8). Presence of electron donating group (methyl) in o-cresol makes it less acidic than phenol.

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Why is phenol stronger acid than ethanol?

Phenoxide ion is aromatic and can undergo resonance but ethoxide ion can’t. Phenol is more acidic than that of ethanol because phenoxide ion is stabilized through delocalisation. An acid loses H+ ions in water. When phenol loses an H+ ion, the ion formed is known as phenoxide ion.

Which is more acidic phenol or p chlorophenol?

Due to -I effect of Cl, lone pair of electron on O more readily takes part in resonance. Hence H from OH can be easily removed and acidic strength increases.