
Which is more harder PCM or PCB?

Which is more harder PCM or PCB?

Because none of the subject is harder neither PCM nor PCB. If you choose PCM and PCB you have to study that is the only way to clear exams. But if you are looking for to enjoy 11th and 12th in fun or in other activities then my friend none of the subject is easy.

Which one is easy PCM or PCB?

If you want a quick answer, take PCB if you want to study medicine after 12. Take PCM if you want to pursue engineering after 12. Take both (PCMB) if you are not sure what you want to study. If you like to do courses in basic sciences, then you can choose your preferred subjects accordingly.

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Is PCB really difficult?

PCB is quite easy once you understand the subject. If you try parrot reading you are definitely screwed. You may find CBSE class eleven biology syllabus a bit tough because there is a lot of botany, lot’s of names and processes to remember. You need to learn your diagrams well as they can help you score marks.

Which is tough bio or maths?

Originally Answered: Which subject is difficult, maths or biology? Both are equally difficult and easy according to each one’s perspective. Math is a game of logic, numbers and analytical skills whereas biology is for the most part a highly theoretical subject with the exception of a few areas such as genetics.

Which is easier maths or bio?

It’s not difficult to pass biology in 12th class, arrange good notes from somewhere and you will pass very smoothly. Especially if you are non medico than you must choose biology as extra coz biology is far easier than maths.

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Which is better maths or biology?

Both are better. Actually you must must must choose both so that your opportunities become double. Especially if you are non medico than you must choose biology as biology is far easier than maths. Suppose if you are preparing for JEE then don’t focus on bio if NEET then don’t focus on maths.

Is biology a level really hard?

For those of you wanting the short answer: A-Level Biology is quite a hard A-Level, even for the most skilled science students. It’s a completely different ball game to GCSE, it goes much more into depth and there’s a lot more content you need to know.

Is maths easy or Biology?