
Which is the best optional subject for Commerce students in UPSC?

Which is the best optional subject for Commerce students in UPSC?

The best optional subjects for Commerce stream candidates are “Economics or Commerce and Accountancy. You can select either of them according to your interest. There are two papers of one optional subject of 250 marks each.

Is accountancy a good optional for UPSC?

Commerce and Accountancy Optional It is a good scoring optional and provides an advantage to commerce graduates as the undergraduate and professional studies are utilized in both paper 1 & 2.

Is commerce and Accountancy scoring in UPSC?

Commerce and Accountancy Optional Commerce as an optional is very technical in nature and hence a sufficient number of candidates are opting for this optional. It is a good scoring optional and provides an advantage to commerce graduates as the undergraduate and professional studies are utilized in both paper 1 & 2.

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Is Commerce Optional good for UPSC?

It is a good scoring optional and provides an advantage to commerce graduates as the undergraduate and professional studies are utilized in both paper 1 & 2. Commerce is indeed a lengthy optional in terms of preparation time and revision.

Does the UPSC IAS exam have commerce and Accountancy?

The UPSC IAS exam has Commerce And Accountancy as one of the subjects in the list of optional choices for Mains exam which has 48 subjects in total.

What are the advantages of doing a Commerce degree in UPSC?

It is a good scoring optional and provides an advantage to commerce graduates as the undergraduate and professional studies are utilized in both paper 1 & 2. Also, the fact that commerce and accountancy are your parent subjects; it makes the preparation a whole lot easier. A large portion of commerce syllabus is static in nature.

Should I take the UPSC as an optional subject?

If you are comfortable with the level of questions and particularly if you have a strong commerce background then there is no harm in taking it as an optional. Other than this make sure that you get proper guidance required for UPSC. Take a decision after properly analyzing the syllabus and the questions of both the papers.

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Is accountancy and Commerce a good optional?

Commerce and Accountancy Optional Commerce as an optional is very technical in nature and hence a sufficient number of candidates are opting for this optional. It is a good scoring optional and provides an advantage to commerce graduates as the undergraduate and professional studies are utilized in both paper 1 & 2.