
Which of the following bridge is not used for measurement of inductance?

Which of the following bridge is not used for measurement of inductance?

Detailed Solution

Type of Bridge Name of Bridge Important
DC Bridges Kelvin double bridge
Loss of charge method
Megger Resistance of cables
AC Bridges Maxwell’s inductance bridge Not suitable to measure Q

Which bridge is used for the measurement of inductance and capacitance?

Maxwell bridge
A Maxwell bridge is a modification to a Wheatstone bridge used to measure an unknown inductance (usually of low Q value) in terms of calibrated resistance and inductance or resistance and capacitance. When the calibrated components are a parallel resistor and capacitor, the bridge is known as a Maxwell-Wien bridge.

Why is Wien bridge used?

The Wien bridge is one of many common bridges. Wien’s bridge is used for precision measurement of capacitance in terms of resistance and frequency. It was also used to measure audio frequencies. The Wien bridge does not require equal values of R or C.

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Why can’t a Kelvin bridge be used for the measurement of low quality factor value?

20. Why can’t a Kelvin bridge be used for the measurement of low Quality factor value? Explanation: A Kelvin bridge can be used for the measurement of high Quality factor values. Due to bridge imbalance problem, Kelvin bridge can’t be used for measuring low Quality factor values.

What are the disadvantages of Maxwell’s bridge?

The disadvantages of a Maxwell Bridge are:

  • The variable standard capacitor is very expensive.
  • The bridge is limited to measurement of low quality coils (1 < Q < 10) and it is also unsuitable for low value of Q (i.e. Q < 1) from this we conclude that a Maxwell bridge is used suitable only for medium Q coils.

What is the disadvantage of Maxwell Bridge Mcq?

What is the disadvantage of Maxwell Bridge? Explanation: Maxwell Bridge cannot be used for the measurement of high Q values. ∴ Inductance cannot be measured over a wide range.

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What is the disadvantage of Maxwell Bridge?

The disadvantages of a Maxwell Bridge are: The variable standard capacitor is very expensive. The bridge is limited to measurement of low quality coils (1 < Q < 10) and it is also unsuitable for low value of Q (i.e. Q < 1) from this we conclude that a Maxwell bridge is used suitable only for medium Q coils.

What is the disadvantages of Maxwell Bridge Mcq?

4. What is the disadvantage of Maxwell Bridge? Explanation: Maxwell Bridge cannot be used for the measurement of high Q values. ∴ Inductance cannot be measured over a wide range.

How does Wheatstone bridge help in measurement of an unknown resistance?

The voltage drop across the R1 and R3 is same and the voltage drop at R2 and R4 is also same in the balanced bridge condition. So, from here we get the value of Rx which is our unknown resistance and hence this is how Wheatstone bridge helps in measurement of an unknown resistance.

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What is the advantage of Wheatstone bridge over digital multimeter?

Now-a-days digital multimeter helps in measuring the resistance in a simple way. But the advantage of Wheatstone bridge over this is to provide the measurement of very low values of resistance in the range of milli-ohms.

What is the use of Wheatstone bridge in transducers?

But often the Wheatstone Bridge is used with Transducers to measure physical quantities like Temperature, Pressure, Strain etc. Wheatstone Bridge is used in applications where small changes in resistance are to be measured in sensors.

Why varistor is used in Wheatstone bridge?

If using a varistor with Wheatstone bridge we can also identifies the value of some parameters like capacitance, inductance and impedance. By using Wheatstone bridge with operational amplifier it helps in measuring different parameters like temperature, strain, light etc.