
Which of the following ciphers is difficult to break using frequency analysis?

Which of the following ciphers is difficult to break using frequency analysis?

Which of the following is hardest to break using frequency analysis? Explanation: Out of the given options hill cipher is the hardest cipher to break using frequency analysis. Although it is quite vulnerable to other forms of attack.

Which one of cipher technique is easier to crack for intruder from the following?

The encryption time is less for substitution (Caesar cipher) but it paves way for intruders to easily crack the code. The transposition technique is complex as well as secure than substitution technique. So, transposition technique is the best suitable for encrypting the message.

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What is frequency analysis in Caesar cipher?

In cryptography, frequency analysis is the study of the frequency of letters or groups of letters in a ciphertext. The method is used as an aid to breaking substitution ciphers (e.g. mono-alphabetic substitution cipher, Caesar shift cipher, Vatsyayana cipher). This will help us decrypt some of the letters in the text.

Is Playfair Polyalphabetic cipher?

Polyalphabetic Cipher is a substitution cipher in which the cipher alphabet for the plain alphabet may be different at different places during the encryption process. The next two examples, playfair and Vigenere Cipher are polyalphabetic ciphers.

How was vigenère cipher broken?

In 1863, a Prussian major named Kasiski proposed a method for breaking a Vigenere cipher that consisted of finding the length of the keyword and then dividing the message into that many simple substitution cryptograms. Frequency analysis could then be used to solve the resulting simple substitutions.

What is vigenère’s cipher resistant to?

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letter frequency analysis
Since the keyword can be any length, there are infinite possibilities! The Vigenère Cipher is also resistant to letter frequency analysis because there are multiple shift values which means that “E” is encrypted as different letters at different points, so finding the most common letter won’t work!

Which one of cipher technique is easier to crack for intruder from the following affine cipher autokey cipher Play Fair Hill cipher?

Explanation: Keyword cipher is less secure than playfair cipher. It is due to the fact that keyword cipher is mono alphabetic and thus can be cracked using frequency analysis. But playfair cipher being a poly graphic substitution cipher is harder to break using this method.

How additive cipher is different from autokey cipher?

Out of the given options only additive cipher is not a poly alphabetic cipher. Explanation: Autokey cipher like vigenere cipher uses vigenere table in order to encrypt the plain text. The difference in these cipher is the usage of the keyword.

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Can frequency analysis crack the Vigenère cipher?

The strength of the Vigenère cipher is that it is not susceptible to frequency analysis due to the fact that the cipher rotates through different shifts, so the same plaintext letter will not always be encrypted to the same ciphertext letter. For example, let’s say that “e” is the most common letter in English words.