
Which of the following pharmacy abbreviations appears on the Do Not Use list?

Which of the following pharmacy abbreviations appears on the Do Not Use list?

The ‘Do Not Use’ abbreviation list includes: QD, QOD, MS04, MgSO4, U, IU, trailing zeros, and naked decimal points (table 1).

What is C’s medical abbreviation?

List of medical abbreviations: C

Abbreviation Meaning
CS caesarean section compartment syndrome culture sensitivity Churg-Strauss syndrome
C/S Caesarean section
C&S culture and sensitivity (antibiogram)
CsA cyclosporin A

Why is Rx the abbreviation for prescription?

Rx is commonly known to most as the symbol for a medical prescription. However, the symbol is derived from the Latin word recipe or “recipere,”which means to take. The word was later abbreviated and became Rx as we know it today.

Why might a healthcare professional use an abbreviation that is on the Do Not Use list or the error prone list?

Conclusions: A ‘Do Not Use’ list is effective in reducing error-prone abbreviations. Reinforcements of the ‘Do Not Use’ list further improves prescriber adherence. However, many other unapproved abbreviations (not included in current ‘Do Not Use’ lists) are used when prescribing.

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Why are abbreviations placed on the Do Not Use list?

While these abbreviations are not the only ones that may be confused with one another, the high prevalence of confusion (along with serious potential ramifications when confusion occurs) has led the Joint Commission to put these abbreviations on the “DO NOT USE” list.

Is SUBQ an acceptable abbreviation?

Subcutaneous: Under the skin. For example, a subcutaneous injection is an injection in which a needle is inserted just under the skin. Also known as subcu. Abbreviated subq.

What medication may cetirizine be confused for?

The brand names Zerit and Zyrtec are similar, and the generic names stavudine and cetirizine can sound similar.

What is HCL commonly mistaken for?

HCL = hydrochloric acid Mistaken as potassium chloride.