
Which state should I apply for IBPS RRB po?

Which state should I apply for IBPS RRB po?

IBPS RRB 2020: Office Assistant Uttar Pradesh is leading the tally here as well with 2109 vacancies and Arunchal Pradesh has reproted the minimum number of vacancies i.e 6.

Can I fill SBI Clerk from other state?

You surely can easily apply for SBI Clerk from other states. But the condition is, you need to clear the language proficiency test (LPT) of that particular state. For instance, if you choose to apply from Telangana, Hyderabad then you should be well versed with the speaking and writing Telugu/Urdu Language.

Can I apply for other state in IBPS Clerk?

It is very important to understand that vacancies are released state-wise as per the requirement of that state bank. It is not necessary that in future you can get posting in your hometown hence you must be sure that filling other state is no problem for you and will not pose any problem in future as well.

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Can I apply against IBPS RRB Vacancies in any part of country?

Yes, candidates can apply against IBPS RRB vacancies in any part of the country. However, candidates need to fulfill the eligibility criteria and know the local language of the state they are applying to. Q. How many IBPS RRB vacancies have been announced for Officers Scale I?

When will the IBPS RRB notification 2021 be released?

Institute of Banking Personnel and Selection has released IBPS RRB Notification 2021 on 07/06/2021. Notification is out for 12,810 Vacancies for various Posts in RRB. So Interested and eligible candidates can go through the eligibility criteria and apply online from 08/06/2021 to 28/06/2021.

How many vacancies are there in RRB 2021?

Notification is out for 12,810 Vacancies for various Posts in RRB. So Interested and eligible candidates can go through the eligibility criteria and apply online from 08/06/2021 to 28/06/2021.

How to apply for the IBPS exam online?

Candidates may apply online by clicking on the link available on the IBPS website Before applying the candidates must register themselves using their active email id and mobile number. After registering, candidates may apply using their registration number and password.