
Which trees are banned for cutting India?

Which trees are banned for cutting India?

The trees which can no longer be cut without permission even on private land include mango, neem, sal, mahua, beeja sal, peepal, banyan, goolar, pakad, arjun, palash, bel, chiraunji, khirni, kaitha, tamarind, jamun, asna, kusum, reetha, bhilawa, toon, salai, haldu, bakli, khair, sheesham and sagaon.

Can I cut a tree in my property?

Tree felling in Karnataka is covered under the Karnataka Preservation of Trees Act 1976. The act explicitly mentions that no person can fell any tree, or cause any tree to be felled in any land, whether in their ownership or occupancy or otherwise, except with the previous permission of the Tree Officer.

Can I cut tree in front of my house?

By law, you have the right to trim branches and limbs that extend past the property line. However, the law only allows tree trimming and tree cutting up to the property line. You may not go onto the neighbor’s property or destroy the tree.

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Can we cut trees down on my property India?

The answer is ‘yes’, because, according to this Act, the penalty for cutting down a tree is Rs. 10,000 or 3 months imprisonment. There are several instances reported in which laymen ended up paying Rs. 10,000 as compounding fee to the forest department for cutting down trees in their premises.

What is the punishment for cutting a tree?

At present, as per section 21 of the Maharashtra Preservation of Trees Act, 1971, the punishment for cutting trees is a fine of Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000 and imprisonment ranging from one week to one year.

Can I cut a tree down on my boundary?

Under common law, a person may cut back any branch (or root) from a neighbour’s tree that overhangs or encroaches onto their property. you must not trespass onto the land on which the trees are growing. branches or roots must not be cut back beyond the boundary in anticipation of them overhanging.

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Is tree cutting a crime?

At present permission has to be sought for felling of trees and the penalty of feeling tress without permission ranges from state to state with monetary fine up to Rs 5000 and imprisonment upto six months. There have been instances where people were penalized for cutting trees on their private land.

What is the punishment for cutting trees in India?