
Which way should your RAM face?

Which way should your RAM face?

Your RAM Cards have a notch, or notches, in them. Fit the notch(es) to the slot & they’ll face the proper way. PS. Never force a card into a slot.

Can RAM go either way?

You can try to compare the RAM connector with the slot. Try them with the logo/chips facing the nearest edge. They only go in one way so if that doesn’t work just flip it around.

Does it matter which slot the RAM goes in?

A common misconception about RAM is that you can put any RAM into any slot. You can do that, but it won’t work, or it will work ineffectively. If you have four RAM slots, always buy matched pairs of RAM (two sticks from the same company, same speed, and same capacity) for the best results.

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Which way put RAM in?

In the case of a motherboard with four RAM slots, it’s probable you’ll want to install your first RAM stick into the slot labeled 1. A second stick should go into Slot 2, which isn’t next to Slot 1. If you have a third stick, it would go into Slot 3, which will actually be between Slot 1 and Slot 2.

What is RAM direction?

The Ram side is the side that points in the direction of the satellite’s motion. It is called the ram side because it is the side impacting/ramming into the fluid that the satellite moves through. In this case it is the ionosphere.

Does RAM have to be in first slot?

The manual recommends putting ram in slot 1 & 3 first then 2 & 4. The evo will block the first slot a little. If you need to just use slot 2 &4. Should be fine.

Does RAM only go in one way?

Insert the RAM into the RAM slot. It’ll only fit in one way, so if it’s not lining up properly, just flip it around. You may have to apply a fair amount of pressure, but never force it in.

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Which side of RAM is up?

RAM only fits into the slot on the motherboard in one direction. The row of gold pins is notched and will line up with an area of the channel with no sockets in it. If you try to install your RAM stick backward, you will damage the pins on the RAM card and probably the slot on the motherboard as well.

Is it possible to install RAM backwards?

The slot offset slots on the sticks (and the notches on the slots) won’t allow it. Its not possible. Either the mobo or ram would have to break in some way.