
Which Wheatstone bridge is more sensitive?

Which Wheatstone bridge is more sensitive?

Wheatstone Bridge is most sensitive when the value of resistances of the four arms of the bridge P, Q, R and S are of the same magnitude.

What is the sensitivity of Wheatstone bridge?

The sensitivity of a Wheatstone bridge is defined as the deflection in the galvanometer per unit current. In the unbalanced condition of the bridge, when current flows, it causes the pointer of galvanometer to get deflected. Thus, the deflection rate is the function of sensitivity.

On what factors does sensitivity of Wheatstone bridge depends?

The sensitivity of the Wheatstone bridge depends upon the following two factors: (i) Relative magnitudes of the resistances in the four arms of the bridge. (ii) Relative positions of battery and galvanometer.

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How can we increase sensitivity of Wheatstone bridge?

The sensitivity of the galvanometer itself is decreased if the resistance of the galvanotmeter G is too low. Therefore, we have to increase the sensitivity by increasing n and decreasing m. In the ideal case, if n = ∞ and m = 0.

What do you mean by sensitivity of the bridge wire?

A Wheatstone bridge is said to be sensitive if it shows large deflection in the galvanometer when ever a small change in resistance is taking place is resistance arm.

What is the current sensitivity of the galvanometer?

Current sensitivity of galvanometer is the deflection caused in the coil of the galvanometer per unit flow of electric current through it. k is the restoring torque per unit twist of the suspension string.

How the sensitivity of the bridge can be improved?

The sensitivity of the metre bridge can be increased by increasing the current flow through the galvanometer. This is done by reducing the resistance by a particular factor.

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What is the relation between the sensitivity and deflection for a galvanometer *?

What is the relation between the sensitivity and deflection for a galvanometer? Explanation:Thus we see that sensitivity is directly proportional to the deflection.

Why Kelvin’s double bridge has high accuracy?

The accuracy of Kelvin’s double bridge for the measurement of low resistance is high because the bridge. uses two pairs of resistance arms. has medium value resistance in the ratio arms. uses a low resistance link between standard and test resistances.

At which point metre bridge is maximum sensitive?

Using meter bridge, it is advised to obtain the null point in the middle of bridge wire. Why? It means the effect of α gets cancelled. In this situation the bridge is most accurate ans sensitive.

Where is the meter bridge most sensitive?

The meter bridge circuit is most sensitive when all four resistors have similar resistance values.

What is current sensitivity?

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Current sensitivity is defined as the deflection caused in the galvanometer per unit flow of current. It is given by- Is=θI=nBAc.