
Who are the OPA?

Who are the OPA?

The Outer Planets Alliance (OPA) is a loosely affiliated network borrowing or associating under a core common ideology that started its life as a labor union or advocacy group, fighting for the interests of inhabitants of the Belt, often in direct conflict with the inner planets’ Earth-Mars Coalition Navy.

What accent are they using in The Expanse?

Belter Creole
Belter Creole, also simply known as Belter, is the constructed language developed by a linguist and polyglot Nick Farmer for The Expanse television series. In the universe, it was spoken by Belters, inhabitants of asteroid belt and outer planets of the Solar System.

How many belters are there?

Earth’s population reaches 27 billion, Mars’s population reaches 1.5 billion, and the Belt’s population, including the outer planets, reaches 45 million.

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Who leads the OPA?

This change in power legitimizes the OPA as a real Government, with Fred Johnson who is from Earth, being the head liaison of the OPA with Mars and Earth, while Anderson Dawes was the Political Lead for most of the hardliner groups within the OPA.

Are belters and Opa the same?

The OPA is the “Outer Planets Alliance”. They are a faction in the Belt that basically seeks independence from the inner planets and for the Belt to exist as an independent nation. Most are Belters, although a few are Earth or Mars defectors that have sided with them, including their de facto leader, Fred Johnson.

Where is the belt located in the expanse?

Government. The Asteroid Belt, often referred to as just the Belt and also known as the main asteroid belt (to distinguish it from the farther out Kuiper belt), is a torus-shaped region in the Sol system, located roughly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

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Why do belters hate Earth?

They are an oppressed and mistrusted working class that provide many goods for Earth and Mars through the mining and other work facilities built on the asteroids. Although they are a weaker, less organized faction, they have started to resist the powers of Earth and Mars.