
Who has a better healing factor than Wolverine?

Who has a better healing factor than Wolverine?

Two of the toughest guys in Marvel Comics have incredible regenerative abilities in common, but Juggernaut’s takes the edge in performance.

Can X-23 beat Wolverine?

The two fought and X-23 was able to defeat Wolverine in seconds, surprising him with her foot claw and cutting his throat. While this only worked because Wolverine wasn’t ready for it, it’s still quite impressive and shows just how resourceful X-23 can be.

Is Deadpool’s healing factor stronger than Wolverines?

Originally Answered: Who has a faster healing factor, Wolverine or Deadpool? Deadpool and Wolverine’s healing factor are both exactly the same, but Deadpool’s is shown to be better due to Wolverine having an adamantium exoskeleton.

How strong is Wolverine’s daughter?

Laura Howlett (born 2018), also known as X-23, is a class 3 mutant who possesses superhuman strength, durability, endurance, speed, agility, reflexes, flexibility, dexterity, stamina, senses, an accelerated healing factor and retractable razor-sharp claws.

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Is Laura better than Logan?

Ultimately, Laura became a better Wolverine than Logan ever was. For one thing, Laura wasn’t as violent or ruthless as Logan. Sure, Wolverine killed when she felt necessary, but she never truly lost control. Laura, however, was much more well-adjusted, making her an ideal role model for Gabby.

Does Hulk heal faster than Wolverine?

Originally Answered: Whose healing factor is superior, Hulk or Wolverine? Hulk’s is Superior, because Wolverine’s healing factor does not change, but The Hulk’s healing factor increases with his strength and endurance.

Who’s stronger Deadpool or Wolverine?

While many Marvel fans love Deadpool, Wolverine is the most badass hero. His adamantium claws and healing factor practically make him unstoppable. Wolverine would rip Deadpool to shreds. If we’re talking a fight against “Old Man Logan,” then Deadpool would easily win.