
Who is the greatest real estate agent?

Who is the greatest real estate agent?

Ben Caballero is the world’s most productive real estate agent, ranked No. 1 in America for the since 2013, according to REAL Trends as published in the Wall Street Journal.

How do I get rid of a house that won’t sell?

How to Get Rid of a House That Won’t Sell: 5 Alternative Options

  1. Short Sale. If you owe more than your home is worth, you may consider doing a short sale in which your lender accepts less than your mortgage balance to pay off the loan.
  2. Foreclosure.
  3. Lease Option.
  4. Sell Below Market Value.
  5. Employment Relocation Program.

Should I get an appraisal through a real estate agent or appraiser?

Ultimately, while real estate agents can offer valuable perspective on a given property’s purported value, only the appraiser can provide an official appraisal. Sellers may be satisfied to work solely with a real estate agent, but most buyers eventually hire both an agent and a separate appraiser.

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What information is included on an appraiser’s profile?

Other items on an appraisers’ profile (such as keywords or information on a resume) are self-reported by our members following the ASA requirement for them to abide by the ASA Principles of Appraisal Practice and Code of Ethics and the Appraisal Foundation’s Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.

How to select an appraisal expert?

Name Search Within Select the amount of miles Country The countries listed in this men Appraisal Expertise Discipline Business Valuation – what is ASA Specialty (Optional) Selecting a spe Purpose of Appraisal (Optional) Specifie Industry (Optional) Helps to locate appr

What are the different types of real estate specialties?

Machinery and Technical Specialties – equipment, aircrafts, yachts, utilities, mines and more. Personal Property – antiques, fine art, collectibles, cars, home contents and more. Real Property – real estate, ownership interests, trusts, investment decisions and more. Gems and Jewelry – jewelry and gemstones.