
Who is the prettiest Disney princess?

Who is the prettiest Disney princess?

Some Guy Ranks the 14 Hottest Disney Princesses

  1. Jasmine. Disney. There’s no way anyone else was going to be at the top of this list.
  2. Belle. Disney. Belle is the Disney version of the manic pixie dream girl.
  3. Mulan. Disney.
  4. Ariel (SEQUELS ONLY) Disney.
  5. Rapunzel. Disney.
  6. Cinderella. Disney.
  7. Tiana. Disney.
  8. Pocahontas. Disney.

Who is the best Disney Princess 2020?

Official Disney Princesses Ranked By Their Likability

  1. 1 Rapunzel (Tangled)
  2. 2 Belle (Beauty And The Beast)
  3. 3 Tiana (Princess And The Frog)
  4. 4 Princess Jasmine (Aladdin)
  5. 5 Moana (Moana)
  6. 6 Merida (Brave)
  7. 7 Fa Mulan (Mulan)
  8. 8 Cinderella (Cinderella)

Who is the most stylish Disney princess?

Disney’s 10 Best-Dressed Princesses

  1. 1 Moana (Moana) Moana came out in 2016 and introduced Disney’s first Polynesian princess, Moana.
  2. 2 Elsa (Frozen)
  3. 3 Anna (Frozen)
  4. 4 Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
  5. 5 Tiana (The Princess & The Frog)
  6. 6 Ariel (Little Mermaid)
  7. 7 Mulan (Mulan)
  8. 8 Jasmine (Aladdin)
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Who is the weakest Disney princess?

One of the original trinity of Disney princesses, Aurora debuted in Sleeping Beauty. Her legacy has endured for decades. She still lands herself as the weakest princess because she’s not even the main player in her own story.

Is Aurora the prettiest princess?

14. Aurora | Sleeping Beauty (1959) Princess Aurora is one of the most beautiful Disney princesses, more for her beauty and less for her character. The princess has the least amount of screen time in the movie and showcases qualities like optimism, happiness, and humbleness.

Who is the least smart Disney princess?

Disney Princesses Ranked By Intelligence

  1. 1 Belle. And, of course, there is Belle, who is book smart and street smart.
  2. 2 Jasmine. As mentioned, maturity is part of being smart, and wit is a form of intelligence.
  3. 3 Pocahontas. On a similar note, there is Pocahontas.
  4. 4 Mulan.
  5. 5 Tiana.
  6. 6 Ariel.
  7. 7 Moana & Merida.
  8. 8 Cinderella.