
Who is Thor friends with?

Who is Thor friends with?

Thor’s allies include Odin Borson, his father and King of the Asgardians; his mother and Earth Goddess Gaea; and his stepmother Frigga. His best friends include Sif (whom he has intermittent romances with), Balder, and the Warriors Three: Fandral the Dashing, Hogun the Grim, and Volstagg the Enormous.

Who is Hulk best friend?

8 LOVES: RICK JONES Rick Jones is Bruce Banner’s best friend, the pair’s destinies have been intertwined since before Bruce became the Hulk.

Was Coulson Thor’s best friend?

First off, there’s Agent Phil Coulson, among the first humans met by Thor beyond his film’s main cast, stabbed through the heart by Loki. There was a time when audiences would have assumed that Thor’s “best friend” would obviously be one of ‘The Warriors Three,’ his closest friends and brothers in arms.

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Are Thors friends dead?

The Warriors Three and Lady Sif, Thor’s most loyal friends, were waved aside in Thor: Ragnarok. Fandral (Zachary Levi), Hogun (Tadanobu Asano), and Volstagg (Ray Stevenson), better known as The Warriors Three, died an inconsequential death in Thor: Ragnarok, never to be mentioned again.

What happened to Thor and Jane?

Once free of the Aether, Foster returned to work and Thor had decided to remain on Earth with her. Due to her work studying of the Convergence, Foster was being considered for the Noble Prize in astrophysics. Following the Ultron Offensive, Foster ended her relationship with Thor.

Who guarded the soul stone?

Red Skull
Red Skull was cursed into becoming the guardian of the Soul Stone for over seven decades, rendering him unable to leave the planet throughout these years, only able to advise those who came onto the planet seeking the Soul Stone.

Thor only sort of vaguely knew Coulson from two encounters, and that death was years ago. It’s hard to see how Coulson could be described as a “best friend” based on that – he was more of a friendly acquaintance.

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Is Heimdal Thor’s best friend?

So in IW Rocket asked Thor if he still had a best friend Thor replied with “stabbed through the heart.” and most people would just think “oh Heimdal was his best friend” But Fandral, Hoggan and Volstagg all got stabbed through the heart in Thor 3.

What happens to Thor’s mother father and brother in Thor?

But Thor gets the opportunity with some help from Rocket Raccoon, who tries to help the Asgardian realize how much he still has going for him. Unfortunately, his mother, father, and brother have all been killed, with even his best friend stabbed straight through the heart.

Who is the first person Thor met in the MCU?

First off, there’s Agent Phil Coulson, among the first humans met by Thor beyond his film’s main cast, stabbed through the heart by Loki. Even though Thor and “Son of Coul” only have a handful of scenes together, the same could be said of just about every other MCU character by the time The Avengers rolled around (plus… he’s Phil Coulson).

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