
Who is Tsugumi Ohba favorite character?

Who is Tsugumi Ohba favorite character?

Ohba said that his favorite human character in the series was L as Ohba believed that L was the “strongest” character in the series “besides Light”. Obata also chose L as his favorite due to “appearance, personality, everything”.

What is Wammy’s House in Death Note?

Wammy’s House is one of several orphanages established by Quillsh Wammy (also known as Watari). It was founded in Winchester, England, and was initially designed to be a training facility for especially gifted children.

Who is the best person in Death Note?

1 Light Yagami The protagonist of the series also ends up being its most compelling Death Note character by a mile, with the transformation of the honor student Light Yagami into the serial killer with a god-complex who goes by the moniker of Kira being a highly interesting one indeed.

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Death Note: Kira Game Wammy’s House is one of several orphanages established by Quillsh Wammy (also known as Watari). It was founded in Winchester, England, and was initially designed to be a training facility for especially gifted children. The most accomplished of these children was L Lawliet.

What was the purpose of winwammy’s house?

Wammy’s House is one of several orphanages established by Quillsh Wammy (also known as Watari). It was founded in Winchester, England, and was initially designed to be a training facility for especially gifted children. The most accomplished of these children was L Lawliet.

Does Mello know about Wammy’s House?

In the novel Death Note: Another Note – The Los Angeles BB Murder Case, Mello’s recollection of Wammy’s House is somewhat different, as he attests to having known and met L, who told him of three cases he had worked on (the BB Murder Case being one).

Who are the Alfreds of Wammy’s House?

Watari and Roger are the Alfreds to L’s Batman — and all the rest of Wammy’s House’s homegrown detectives: Mello, Near, Matt and Beyond Birthday. The British gentlemen use their wealth to provide a home for talented, homeless children and, like Alfred, his skills extend past mere buttling.