
Why are people using question marks?

Why are people using question marks?

The main purpose of a question mark, perhaps unsurprisingly, is to indicate that a sentence is a question. Direct questions often (but not always) begin with a wh- word (who, what, when, where, why). But in writing, you need a question mark to signal to readers that they should read the sentence as a question.

Do Why not questions need a question mark?

Because they are questions in form only, rhetorical questions may be written without question marks. One-word questions within sentences do not ordinarily take question marks either. There might conceivably be a good reason to write The child asked, why?

What is it called when a sentence ends with a question mark?

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Also known as an interrogative sentence, a question—which ends with a question mark—is generally distinguished from a sentence that makes a statement, delivers a command, or expresses an exclamation.

Why do I get question marks instead of text?

It means your Unicode text is getting converted to ANSI text somewhere. Since Unicode characters outside of Latin-1 can’t be converted to ANSI, they are converted to question marks.

What does an exclamatory sentence usually end with?

exclamation marks
Exclamatory sentences usually end with exclamation marks. Exclamatory sentences use this specific punctuation mark to emphasize an emotion.

Should Could you end with a question mark?

5 Answers. Actually, sentences that begin with ‘could’, ‘should’, or ‘would’ are questions and should have a trailing question mark.

Why do you put a period at the end of a sentence?

A period marks the end of a declarative sentence: a statement of fact. A period can also be used to end an imperative sentence, i.e., a sentence that gives a command.

Do you put a period after a question mark?

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Do not use a period after a question mark occurring in the end of a sentence, even if followed by quotation marks. When the parenthesis enclose just part of a sentence, put the question mark outside the parenthesis. Always add another terminal punctuation mark to the end of the sentence.

What does it mean when someone texts two question marks?

If double question marks are uses it is to emphasise something in return, usually from the shock of the previous thing said. For example, if I said: ‘My dog just died’ (sad, but used for example…) As the dog was a puppy and the death was unexpected.

Why do I get question marks instead of pictures?

One or more question mark (?) icons showing in the image list indicate any of the following. The picture files were edited or modified with a computer, or the file format is not supported. Pictures edited or modified by a computer may not display on the digital photo frame.