
Why benzoic acid is weaker acid than formic acid?

Why benzoic acid is weaker acid than formic acid?

As we know, more delocalisation of charges leads to more stable structures. Since the negative charge on the O atom is more delocalised in the HCOOH molecule than in the C6H5-COOH molecule, therefore, formic acid is stronger than benzoic acid.

Why benzoic acid is stronger than acetic acid?

Benzoic acid itself is a somewhat stronger acid than acetic acid. The carboxyl group of benzoic acid is attached to an sp2-hybridized carbon which is more electronegative and electron-withdrawing than the sp3-hybridized carbon attached to acetic acid.

Why benzoic acid is weaker than acetic acid?

Why is benzoic acid (pKa=4.20) a stronger acid than acetic acid (pKa=4.76), even though the conjugate base in case of benzoic acid is destabilized due to electron donation through resonance. Whereas there is nothing of that sort operating in acetic acid; only inductive and hyperconjugative electron donation.

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Why formic acid is stronger than Acetic acid?

When both compounds are compared, the methyl group is more electron donating than the hydrogen atom. But in acetic acid, its conjugate base, i.e. acetate anion has a methyl group. It has the ability to destabilize the negative charge on the oxygen. Hence we can say that formic acid is more acidic than acetic acid.

How can you tell the difference between Acetic acid and benzoic acid?

Acetic acid is a pungent liquid and benzoic acid is a white crystalline flaky solid soluble in hot water. Acetic acid is can dissolve both polar and nonpolar copounds(I2,sulfur). Still you want to test them then the compounds can be reduced and tested using iodoform.

Why formic acid is stronger than acetic acid?

Is formic acid stronger than benzoic acid?

Formic acid is stronger than benzoic acid because it has a lower pKa value. Formic acid does not have such a group of electron donors and is stronger than acetic acid.

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Which of the following acid is weaker than benzoic acid?

Answer: Acetic acid is weaker than benzoic because the methyl group attached in acetic releases electron density to COO− which further destabilizes the anion.

Why is acetic acid is weaker than formic acid?

Out of acetic acid and formic acid, formic acid is considered stronger because the CH3 in acetic acid is electron donating. The CH3 actually contributes electron density towards the O-H bond, making it harder to remove the H, and making acetic acid a weaker acid than formic acid.

How does benzoic acid differ from formic acid?

Formic acid is stronger than benzoic acid because it has a lower pKa value. Formic acid does not have such a group of electron donors and is stronger than acetic acid. Formic acid is also a stronger acid than acetic acid.