
Why did Snape leave his textbook?

Why did Snape leave his textbook?

Under Severus Snape’s possession -level Potions with Horace Slughorn and then signed it with his own self-proclaimed nickname and signature, the “Half-Blood Prince”. When he changed teaching positions and Horace Slughorn gained the classroom, he left the book there.

Why did Harry Potter have to get rid of the Half Blood Prince book?

harry potter hide the book,because when he use spell on malfoy from book ,then snape told him to bring the book . at that time harry thought that if he show that book to snape than snape never return book to him ,so he decided to hide the book.

What was Snape doing in the first book?

It could only mean one thing – Snape was plotting to steal the Philosopher’s Stone and use it to resurrect the Dark Lord! Once again, the trio had the wrong end of the broomstick. Snape was trying to prevent the Stone from falling into the wrong hands.

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Why did Snape give Harry the book?

Now my theory is that, Dumbledore intensionally asked Snape to hand over his potions book to Harry somehow. I’m saying this cuz it was necessary for Harry to win Slughorn’s trust to get his memory of horcruxes and so Snape kept his book in potions classroom to help Harry excel in the subject.

How did Snape make Sectumsempra?

He perfected a charm used for cutting herbs into a curse capable of cutting through human flesh, even when used by someone who had no previous experience with it. TL;DR- Just like he perfected the Potions recipes, Snape simply perfected the Diffindo spell and formed his deadly signature spell, Sectumsempra.

Why did Harry’s father bully Snape?

Despite not remembering his parents, Harry held them in high esteem. This faltered slightly where his father was concerned. He learned that James had been something of a bully in his youth, witnessing a memory of Snape’s, in which James and Sirius picked on and humiliated Snape simply because they were bored.