
Why did soldiers in Vietnam write on their helmets?

Why did soldiers in Vietnam write on their helmets?

As one might imagine, it would be considered counter to good order and discipline to write on one’s helmet cover. The helmet is, after all, a uniform item, usually owned by the government. To deface it would be defacing government property while at the same time violating the rules of wearing your uniform properly.

What does De De mow mean?

Borrowed from Vietnamese đi đi mau (“get lost!”). Borrowed into English by American military personnel returning from the Vietnam War, as well as by Vietnamese immigrants; popularized by the movie The Deer Hunter. This is an uncommon way to say “Hurry up!” in Vietnamese.

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Which is stronger Dexedrine or Adderall?

Adderall and Dexedrine are two of the most widely prescribed medications used to treat ADHD. Both of the medications contain the active ingredient amphetamine. While Dexedrine contains only the most potent form of amphetamine, Adderall contains a mixture of amphetamine’s two active forms.

When did the military start using Dexedrine in Vietnam?

This practice continued until a Congressional investigation during the war in Vietnam found that the average enlisted man received 800mg of Dexedrine each year between 1966 and 1969, and questions were raised about the recreational use of the drug in the military.

Was speed the only drug used in the Vietnam War?

Speed was far from the only drug used during this war, however. Drug use in Vietnam was quite common. At least half of the soldiers used marijuana, and a third of them used heroin or opium. 1 According to Kamienski, the level of drug use among American military personnel in the Vietnam War was unprecedented.

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How many dextroamphetamine tablets did the US military issue between 1966 and 1969?

The American military issued 225 million tablets of dextroamphetamine between 1966 and 1969. 1 Dextroamphetamine was twice as strong as the Benzedrine tablets given during World War II. These so-called “Pep Pills” were given out like candy with no attention paid to dosing or frequency. 11

Did the US military use steroids during the Vietnam War?

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military plied its servicemen with speed, steroids, and painkillers to help them handle extended combat. Soldiers in Vietnam in 1966U.S.