
Why did the Romulans join the Dominion War?

Why did the Romulans join the Dominion War?

The Romulans had reservations that such an attack could succeed only at horrendous cost, favoring to contain the Dominion within Cardassian space. However, Benjamin Sisko convinced their delegation that the only course to victory was to destroy the Dominion’s military-industrial complex itself.

What are the Breen saying?

The Romulans have a saying: “Never turn your back on a Breen”. The Breen were revealed to have allied with the Dominion in “‘Til Death Do Us Part”, the second episode of the nine-episode story arc that served as the final story arc of Deep Space Nine in 1999.

What does the Breen look like under their helmets?

Their true appearance would be concealed beneath masks, according to writer/producer Ira Steven Behr, because “I wasn’t really in the mood to come up with a new alien race. The look of the Breen masks, which includes a “snout”, was derived from the visual suggestion that they are a snouted species, like an Arctic wolf.

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How well do you know the Romulans of Star Trek?

Only appearing in a few of the original series’ episodes and making minor appearances in the original crew’s films, the Romulans were nonetheless remembered when the Trek franchise was revived with Star Trek: The Next Generation ( TNG ). For most of their time onscreen, the Romulans have been Cold War -like opponents.

Do the Romulans ever make open war on Starfleet?

For most of their time onscreen, the Romulans have been Cold War -like opponents. They plot, they assassinate, and they threaten, but they rarely make open war on Starfleet. But when they do open fire?

What happened to Senator Vreenak on DS9?

Sisko invites the Romulan Senator Vreenak (Joseph McHattie) to DS9 to show him the recording, but the senator sees through the lie. Not long after an enraged Vreenak leaves the station, we learn his ship has been destroyed and the Tal Shiar believes the Dominion is behind it.

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What episode do the Romulans first appear in TOS?

Romulans make their first appearance in the TOS season 1 episode “Balance of Terror.” We learn that after a bloody conflict with the Romulans, a peace treaty was forged between them and the Federation via subspace radio. The treaty establishes a neutral zone in which neither side’s ships are allowed to enter.