
Why did they stop making the Trailer Park Boys?

Why did they stop making the Trailer Park Boys?

According to ScreenRant, Jackson wrote a lengthy blog post where he talked about why he and Bowles decided to say farewell to the show. He admitted that while they were happy to accept relatively low pay at the beginning of the series, he explained that as the show grew their rate of pay did not.

Does bubbles have a disability?

The episode “Propane, Propane” reveals that Bubbles may be legally blind, as he cannot see how many fingers are held up directly before his face by a truck-driving instructor who admonishes him for not being able to see “jack shit”.

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Why does Julian from Trailer Park Boys always have a drink in his hand?

The drinking habit reportedly came from a tip offered by Trailer Park Boys director Mike Clattenberg. During the filming of the movie that launched the franchise, he told actor John Paul Tremblay that he should mix a drink in order to have something to occupy his hands while he read his lines.

Who died from Trailer Park Boys?

John Dunsworth
‘Trailer Park Boys’: The Death of John Dunsworth Still Upsets Fans.

What is wrong with Bubbles?

9 He suffers from Alektorophobia. After Bubbles temporarily adopted a mountain lion named Steve French, you would think that he has nerves of steel. While he may not be afraid to tangle with a mountain lion, there is one animal that completely terrifies him.

Do Bubbles glasses hurt his eyes?

Bubbles’ glasses are actually Mike Smith’s The glasses gave the actor severe headaches when he first started on the show and had to wear them for extended periods of time, but now, according to an interview Smith did with The Big Issue, his brain “turns off” the eye pain.

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Is Julian really Trinity’s dad?

It remains unclear whether Trinity’s biological father is Ricky or another character, such as Julian. See S1E1 for evidence. In the 2014 film Don’t Legalize It, Trinity appears to be around 16-20 years old, for Trinity can legally drive Ricky’s car.

What is Julian drinking?

What’s With The Highball? Julian is almost never seen without a drink in his hand, his preferred blend being rum and coke, although in one episode he turned down the offer of rum stating he was drinking whiskey. Only on very few occasions do we see him without it (“A Man’s Gotta Eat”).

Why Randy has no shirt?

In Season 9, it is revealed that Randy has a skin allergy which is why he doesn’t wear shirts as shown when Leslie Dancer forces him to wear a safety vest and he breaks out into a severe rash.

What is wrong with bubbles?

Does bubbles get a girlfriend?

7 He used to have a girlfriend In Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day, Bubbles falls for an employee at a local animal shelter named Jenny who helps to save his kitties from being put down. He asks her out at the end of the film, and they start dating.