
Why didnt Ron use magic on his dress robes?

Why didnt Ron use magic on his dress robes?

Ron did eventually think to do a Severing Charm to remove the lace on the collar and cuffs, so some attempt was made for the robes to look nicer. It just never occurred to Ron to perhaps do a Color-Changing Charm so that his dress robes were a different color.

Who bought Harry’s dress robes?

Molly Weasley
History. Molly Weasley purchased the robes in 1994 when she went shopping for her children’s school supplies. She thought that they would look better on him, because the green colour matched Harry’s eyes.

What did the twins wear to the Yule Ball?

Parvati Patil wore dress robes in a shade of “shocking pink” to the Yule Ball on 25 December, 1994. Her twin sister, Padma, wore robes of a bright shade of turquoise.

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Did Percy attend the Yule Ball?

Percy took over some of Crouch’s official duties, attending the Yule Ball and meeting with the Transylvanian Head of Magical Co-operation on his behalf. In February, he presided as a judge for the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament, once again filling in for Crouch.

How old do you have to be to attend the Yule Ball?

The Yule Ball is open to fourth year students and older; students below their fourth year cannot attend unless someone in their fourth year, or higher, asks them to accompany them.

Where did Harry buy his robes?

Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions is a wizarding clothing shop located in Diagon Alley (PS5). Though far from the only wizarding clothier around, Madam Malkin’s seems to be the best, as it is the place where most Hogwarts students purchase their robes.

Why did Harry give Ron a new set of robes?

Later in the year, Harry gave Ron’s brothers, Fred and George his Triwizard Tournament earnings of 1000 Galleons in order to help them start their joke shop, and semi-jokingly asked them to buy Ron a new pair of dress robes. So, out of gratitude, they honoured his request, and Ron soon had a newer, more attractive set of dress robes.

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Why did Ron Weasley get his robes from his mother?

Due to Molly Weasley being cut from the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Ron got the parcel with his robes from his mother from Nigel Wolpert instead. According to Pottermore, wizarding clothing has “remained outside of fashion”, with dress robes supposedly only having undergone small alterations since the 17th century.

What did Ron Weasley wear to the Yule Ball 1994?

— Description of Ron’s Yule Ball dress robes [src] Ron Weasley wore a set of dress robes to the Yule Ball in 1994. They were very traditional in style, and thus old-fashioned and frilly, much to Ron’s distaste.

Who was Ron’s date to the Harry Potter ball?

Ron’s date to the ball was Padma Patil, who was unhappy to be seen with him because his robes were so hideously embarrassing. Several others stared and laughed at the robes. Ron and Padma did not dance at all once at the ball, though this was also because Ron spent most of it jealously watching Hermione Granger dance with Viktor Krum.