
Why do farmers remain poor?

Why do farmers remain poor?

The reasons are three-fold: the lack of accountability among farmer cooperative leaders; cooperatives and farmers’ associations are formed mainly to access government dole-outs; and the government agency (e.g., CDA), which has oversight responsibility on cooperatives, is oriented towards regulations of cooperatives …

Why rice farmers are crying for help?

Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto on Monday called on the Department of Agriculture (DA) to investigate the alarming drop in the buying price of locally grown rice, which has reportedly plummeted to as low as P12 a kilo, making the staple cheaper than a COVID-19 mask. …

What are the five major problems faced by Indian farmers?

Biggest problems faced by farmers in India?

  1. Small and fragmented land-holdings:
  2. Seeds:
  3. Manures, Fertilizers and Biocides:
  4. Irrigation:
  5. Lack of mechanisation:
  6. Soil erosion:
  7. Agricultural Marketing:
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What are the effects of poverty in India?

Poverty also prevents people off from accessing much needed social tools of well-being like education and health requirements. The direct consequences arise from this problem are hunger, malnutrition and susceptibility to diseases which have been identified as major problems across the world.

Why the price of rice is low?

Rice prices in the market have gone down to its lowest in six years following the rice tariffication law, but at the expense of farmers’ welfare as the influx of more affordable imported rice in the market caused palay prices to significantly go down.

Why the price of palay is low?

Montemayor attributed the declining palay prices to a number of factors such as the lack of mechanical dryers during the rainy season and the absence of price support from the National Food Authority (NFA). He also cited continuing rice importation as another cause of the decline in palay prices.

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What is the role of farmers in India share your thoughts?

Farmer is the backbone of our society. Indian farmers are the backbones of our nation’s economy as Indian economy is primarily Agriculture based country. Statics reveal that Indian agriculture is sector accounting for 18\% of india’s Gross Demostic Product(GDP) and provide employment to nearly 50\% of workers.