
Why do houses in the Middle East have flat roofs?

Why do houses in the Middle East have flat roofs?

Arid regions like the Middle East mainly built flat roofs as insulation from heat. Concrete or masonry was also used since timber is scarce. To divert snow or rainfall in cold climates, pitched or sloped roofs were used extensively. Flat roofs then became widespread and were considered a cornerstone of Modern Movement.

Why are roofs flat in the desert?

The lighter colors and cool roof applications provide energy savings that are welcome in warm weather climates and desert areas. Many people turn flat roofs into green spaces to create more room to grow plants especially in urban areas where gardening space is limited or not available at all.

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What happens to flat roofs when it rains?

Rooftop internal drains and exterior parapet scuppers can be easily overwhelmed under the twin assault of heavy rain and high winds. Clogged drains allow water to back up onto the roof, compressing the sloping insulation and leading to ponding.

Why do houses in cold climates have steep roofs?

Ice also has a tendency to build up during winter storms due to freezing rain, sleet, and hail. Sloped roofs allow the precipitation to run off and prevent it from accumulating on the house.

Why do houses in Palm Springs have flat roofs?

“Corbusier knew that in France, land was scarce,” says William Krisel, who designed many flat-roofed homes in Palm Springs and Los Angeles for the Alexander Construction Co. in the ’50s and ’60s. “So he put the garden on the roof, and the house didn’t steal space from the garden.

What is used to making roof of houses in Rajasthan?

The houses are made of brick and clay and other material used are cement, wood, aluminum, and sheetrock. Explanation: The houses in Rajasthan have ‘thick walls and flat roofs’ because of the severe climatic and weather ‘conditions in Rajasthan’.

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Where does the water go on a flat roof?

Gutters are the most commonly used, and most cost-effective drainage solution for flat roofs. They catch rainwater as it rolls off the edge of the roof and divert the water into a downspout that dispenses it a safe distance from the foundation of the building.

Why do houses in Texas have high roofs?

There’s less danger of pooling water: On high-slope rooftops, gravity makes short work of any moisture—as the roof quickly channels the water down into gutters. The lower the slope, the longer moisture lingers on the rooftop where it degrades materials and turns weak spots into leaks.