
Why do my arms and legs feel heavy?

Why do my arms and legs feel heavy?

The heavy feeling in legs typically is a result of poor circulation. Circulation issues are experienced more in the lower part of your body (primarily the legs) because this part of your body has to fight hard against gravity to get the blood all the way back up to your heart.

How do I stop restless legs and arms fast?

Lifestyle and home remedies

  1. Try baths and massages. Soaking in a warm bath and massaging your legs can relax your muscles.
  2. Apply warm or cool packs. Use of heat or cold, or alternating use of the two, may lessen your limb sensations.
  3. Establish good sleep hygiene.
  4. Exercise.
  5. Avoid caffeine.
  6. Consider using a foot wrap.
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What causes tiredness and aching legs?

Poor circulation Your legs may feel tired or fatigued if your blood isn’t circulating through your body properly. Poor circulation often affects the lower part of your body since it’s harder for blood to flow upward toward your heart. Sometimes blood can collect in your legs, ankles, and feet.

What causes uncomfortable feeling in the legs?

Restless legs syndrome (RLS), also called Willis-Ekbom Disease, causes unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations in the legs and an irresistible urge to move them. Symptoms commonly occur in the late afternoon or evening hours, and are often most severe at night when a person is resting, such as sitting or lying in bed.

What causes leg and arm pain at night?

Pain in your legs and feet at night, or when trying to sleep, is often a symptom of peripheral artery disease (PAD). Peripheral artery disease leg pain can occur anywhere in your leg, but the most common places to feel pain are in the muscles of your calf, thigh or buttocks.

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Can you get restless legs in your arms?

People with restless legs syndrome have unusual feelings in their legs (like itching, crawling, pulling, aching, throbbing, or pins and needles) and a powerful urge to move their legs to make the sensations go away. The condition can also happen in other areas like the arms, chest, or head.