
Why do people call pineapples ananas?

Why do people call pineapples ananas?

It was named “pineapple” by the European explorers due to its resemblance to a pine cone. In many countries, however, the prized fruit has a name similar to “ananas” that comes from the Tupi word “nanas,” meaning “excellent fruit,” and was recorded by André Thevet, a French Franciscan priest and explorer in 1555.

What is the origin of the word ananas?

From French ananas, from Spanish ananás, from Portuguese ananás (“pineapple”), from Old Tupi nanas (“pineapple”).

Is ananas the same as pineapple?

A rather interesting linguistic phenomenon present for decades across the globe is the use of the terms ananas and pineapple. While other languages refer to the fruit as ananas or something similar, in English it is referred to as pineapple and in Spanish as piña.

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Where do they call pineapple ananas?

In Arabic, German, French, Dutch, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Swedish, Turkish—even in Latin and Esperanto—the pineapple is known as an ananas, give or take local variations in the alphabet and accents.

What are pineapples called in Europe?

The question is: why did the English adapt the name pineapple from Spanish (which originally meant pinecone in English) while most European countries eventually adapted the name ananas, which came from the Tupi word nanas (also meaning pineapple).

What is Anana English?

/ (əˈnænəs) / noun. the pineapple or a related tropical American bromeliaceous plant, the pinguin, that has an edible plum-shaped fruit.

What languages does Ananas mean pineapple?

In other languages ananas

  • American English: pineapple /ˈpaɪnæpəl/
  • Arabic: أَنَانَاس
  • Brazilian Portuguese: abacaxi.
  • Chinese: 菠萝
  • Croatian: ananas.
  • Czech: ananas.
  • Danish: ananas.
  • Dutch: ananas.

What is another name for pineapple?

The pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant with an edible fruit and is the most economically significant plant in the family Bromeliaceae….

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Genus: Ananas
Species: A. comosus
Binomial name
Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.