
Why do people love shikamaru?

Why do people love shikamaru?

Shikamaru is the laidback friend you need to endure life at a peaceful pace. Since Shikamaru doesn’t mind Choji’s appearance and has always supported and stood up for Choji, Shikamaru seems like a darn good person who would befriend the underdogs in society instead of befriending people based on superficial reasons.

Why Shikamaru is such a good character?

Shikamaru may have been historically lazy, but he’s proven himself to be one of the most skilled and dependable shinobi in Konoha. Shikamaru’s brilliance, self-sacrifice, and love of his village easily make him one of the best characters in the series.

How do you think like Shikamaru Nara?

How to act like Shikamaru

  1. Think that everything is a drag, a pain, or troublesome.
  2. Be lazy all the time, even at school.
  3. Complain about pushy girls/women.
  4. Act like nothing matters.
  5. Be a little quiet sometimes.
  6. Watch the clouds outside a lot.
  7. Play a lot of shougi (Japanese chess) and go, but mainly shougi.
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Why is shikamaru a good leader?

Shikamaru is no doubt smarter and more tactical than Naruto. He had also shown the ability to be able to effectively rally troops during the war. He would be an excellent candidate for hokage had Naruto not wanted the job.

What is shikamaru personality?

Shikamaru is naturally a lazy person and his inclination is to do as little work as possible. As an Academy student and even during his early career as a genin, Shikamaru is able to get away with this, spending his days sleeping, watching the clouds, or playing games of shōgi and Go.

What personality type is shikamaru?

Shikamaru: The Logician – INTP.

What is Shikamaru’s personality?

What is Shikamaru’s favorite game?

Shikamaru prefers games to school work in the early days of Naruto. Specifically, his favorite is shogi. This game actually ends up helping him develop his strategic mind further, so it’s a win-win, even if he thinks he’s just skipping out on studying to play.

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What is Shikamaru’s hobby?

As an Academy student and even during his early career as a genin, Shikamaru is able to get away with this, spending his days sleeping, watching the clouds, or playing games of shōgi and Go.

Is Gaara a Infp?

2 Gaara: INFP INFPs are the most sensitive of the types, and Gaara’s tenure as Kazekage showed off the characteristics of INFPs. He was an idealist that was always calm, reserved, and carried a ton of compassion for his fellow Shinobi.