
Why do people speak Estuary English?

Why do people speak Estuary English?

It is considered to be a working-class accent, although often used by the lower middle classes too. In the debate that surrounded a 1993 article about Estuary English, a London businessman claimed that RP was perceived as unfriendly, so Estuary English was now preferred for commercial purposes.

Is Estuary English posh?

English Accents – Estuary. Spoken by a growing number of people in the south of the country, Estuary is an English accent which is hard to describe. Somewhere between cockney (South East London) and the received pronunciation of newsreaders, it is far from posh and almost classless.

What is the most spoken accent in the UK?

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Received Pronunciation
Received Pronunciation (RP) Nevertheless, RP remains the national standard and has traditionally been considered by many to be the most prestigious accent of British English.

How many estuaries are there in the UK?

90 estuaries
There are approximately 90 estuaries in the UK, which is a quarter of the estuaries of northwest Europe. UK estuaries, excluding fjords, are mainly bar-built or coastal plain (Prandle 2009).

What is the difference between Rp Cockney and Estuary English?

RP is mostly in the south of the country; London and the south. Also “Cockney” and “Estuary English” are in the south. Cockney is the local London accent, and it tends to spread further out to places like Kent, Essex, Surrey. There’s a newer version of Cockney called “Estuary English”.

Who speaks with Estuary English?

Loads of famous people speak it, yeah. Comedians like Ricky Gervais and Russell Brand, presenters like Jonathan Ross and the TV chef Jamie Oliver. Loads of singers too, like Adele and the late Amy Winehouse. The new mayor of London, as well, he’s a little bit Estuary.

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What is the biggest estuary in the UK?

The largest estuaries are the Wash (66,600 ha) in eastern England and the macrotidal Severn Estuary (55,700 ha) in southwest England and Wales, which has the second largest tidal range in the world (after the Bay of Fundy in Canada).

Where are estuaries UK?

In East Anglia, estuaries feel moodier and marshier but are just as magnificent. Many incorporate nature reserves, including the RSPB Stour estuary in Essex and Trimley Marshes in Suffolk, where there are wintering wigeons and waders.