
Why do police officers like donuts so much?

Why do police officers like donuts so much?

Being open late in small cities and towns meant they were a target for criminals looking for an easy payday. Having the local police force using your doughnut shop as a staging area meant built-in security as you got up in the early morning hours to make doughnuts.

Are donuts an American thing?

It is true that the humble doughnut does have a convoluted past that involves Dutch immigrants, Russian exiles, French bakers, Irving Berlin, Clark Gable and a certain number of Native Americans. And, yes, in its democratic ethos, its optimism, and its assorted origins, it does seem rather quintessentially American.

Are donuts popular in America?

Donuts are one of the most popular desserts in the United States. You can find them at basically any grocery store, at your corner Dunkin’, or at a local donut shop that serves fresh-made donuts on the weekends and early mornings. It’s no wonder these fluffy, aesthetically appealing desserts are so popular!

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Why do police officers touch your car?

If the police officer believes they are in a dangerous situation as they pull you over, they may touch the backend of your vehicle on the way to your window to make sure the trunk is latched. It might sound bizarre, but this tactic ensures that no one is hiding in the trunk and could pop out.

What did police do?

Police are a group of people whose job is to enforce laws, help with emergencies, solve crimes and protect property. A person who carries out this duty is known as a police officer. They work out of a police station.

Why is donut called donut?

As the story goes, a New England woman named Elizabeth Gregory fried some dough to send with her son for his voyage at sea during the 19th century. Elizabeth was the one who fried the dough with nuts, leading to the name ‘donut,’ but her son was the one who put a hole in the center, giving us the classic donut shape.

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Who invented donut holes?

seafarer Hanson Gregory
One of the most popular credits American seafarer Hanson Gregory with inventing the donut’s hole in 1847 while aboard a lime-trading ship. He was just 16 years old at the time. As the story goes, Gregory wasn’t happy with the doughy consistency of the fried cakes served on the ship.