
Why do some transition metal complexes absorb light in the visible range?

Why do some transition metal complexes absorb light in the visible range?

When light passes through a solution containing transition metal complexes, we see those wavelengths of light that are transmitted. The Cu(II) solution transmits relatively high energy waves and absorbs the low energy wavelengths. …

What factors affect the Colours of transition metal ions?

There are three important factors that impart color to transition metal complexes. They are nature of the ligand, oxidation state of the metal, and the geometry of the complex.

Which type of metal ions tend to absorb light in the visible range?

Copper(II) ions in solution absorb light in the red region of the spectrum. The light which passes through the solution and out the other side will have all the colours in it except for the red. We see this mixture of wavelengths as pale blue (cyan).

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How does a transition metal ions acquire a colour?

Whenever light falls on the transition element compounds electrons excite and electrons absorb energy and excite. When these electrons de-excite they release visible light wavelength. That’s why transition element compounds exhibit colour.

What Colours of visible light if any are absorbed by the surface of metallic copper?

When an object absorbs one color of light, its complementary color (see the color wheel on page 2) is reflected back to our eyes. Since blue-green light is absorbed, its complementary color, red-orange, is reflected. Hence copper appears a red-orange color.

Do zinc ions absorb visible light?

Since electrons can’t be excited to a higher orbital and remain in their own orbitals, light energy can’t be absorbed and Zn2+ ions cannot absorb visible light.

Why do transition metals show variable oxidation states?

They show variable oxidation state because transition metals have (n-1)d orbitals empty that are closer to the outermost ns orbital in energy levels. These orbitals are never fully filled. So, they can always accommodate more electrons in (n-1)d orbitals.

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Why do most of the transition metal compounds Coloured?

Most of the complexes of transition metals are coloured. This is because of the absorption of radiation from visible light region to promote an electron from one of the d – orbitals to another. The energy required for these transitions is quite small and falls in the visible region of radiation.

Why do transition metals show magnetic properties?

1. Due to the presence of unpaired electrons in the (n-1)d-orbitals, most of the transition metals ions and their compounds are paramagnetic i.e. they are attracted by the magnetic field. 2.