
Why do we build on floodplains?

Why do we build on floodplains?

Flood plains are often more attractive to developers because they tend to be flat and therefore easy to build on and close to other amenities such as transport and utilities networks. This replaced a previous and unwritten agreement whereby all homes were guaranteed flood insurance by the industry.

Can you build on a floodplain UK?

The planning system does allow new homes to be built in areas at risk of flooding, but only in very specific circumstances. The National Planning Policy Framework advises that development should be directed away from the areas at the greatest risk of flooding.

Why are houses not allowed to be built on floodplains?

Building on land prone to flooding is a risk to new homeowners and compounds the danger for surrounding areas, experts have said, as flood water that could otherwise be soaked up by green space instead runs quickly off concrete and into rivers.

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Is it cheaper to build on floodplain?

Too often the cost of housing is only considered during its construction or as market value, yet building ordinary houses on floodplains will ultimately be costly for residents and the government when they have to invest in new protection measures. It is more cost effective to build houses able to withstand flooding.

Can you build houses on a flood plain?

While there is general consensus new homes should not be built on flood plains that are still ‘green’, there is little agreement on how to increase flood resilience in areas where they have already been developed.

Why does building on floodplains increase the flood risk?

However, a series of experts, MPs and local authorities have said that these new developments often increase the flood risk to surrounding areas because water that would be otherwise absorbed by the land instead runs off more quickly into rivers that then burst their banks.

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How many people live on flood plains in the UK?

In all, around 5.2 million properties in England, or one in six properties, are at risk of flooding. More than 5 million people live and work in 2.4 million properties that are at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea, one million of which are also at risk of surface water flooding.

How does building on the flood plain affect flood risk?

How does building on floodplains cause flooding?

The land can no longer absorb rainfall if it is built over; instead, water runs off impermeable surfaces into drains which can become overwhelmed, and into rivers, increasing the flood risk in multiple areas.

How many homes are at risk of flooding in the UK?

5.2 million properties
In all, around 5.2 million properties in England, or one in six properties, are at risk of flooding. More than 5 million people live and work in 2.4 million properties that are at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea, one million of which are also at risk of surface water flooding.

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Where in the UK is most prone to flooding?

EAST COAST REGIONS (HULL AND GREAT YARMOUTH) Many of the east coast regions in the UK are also prone to flooding, particularly areas such as Hull and Great Yarmouth. This is mainly due to storm surges caused by strong winds pushing the North Sea waters towards the coast.

What areas of the UK are prone to flooding?

Areas of the UK particularly vulnerable to this type of flooding include:

  • Cornwall.
  • East coast areas, particularly Peterborough, Hull and Great Yarmouth.
  • Kent and Sussex coastal areas.