
Why does Kylo Ren have anger issues?

Why does Kylo Ren have anger issues?

Kylo’s emotional turmoil is actually the product of Snoke’s manipulation. In the novelization of TFA, Leia tells Han that Snoke was manipulating him for a very long time, far longer than even she realized. From the novel: He had trouble believing what he was hearing.

Why does Kylo Ren look so different?

An injured Kylo Ren is far from his best form and ends up getting outclassed by Rey in the end. This results in Kylo being left with a massive scar across his face. In The Last Jedi, of course, the scar is different from what we see at the end of The Force Awakens, it is sleeker, looks better.

Is KYLO Ren immature?

Kylo is incredibly powerful, but he is also incredibly childish. When the Rebels escape him in The Force Awakens, he throws a ludicrous temper tantrum with his lightsaber. Of course, when we say Kylo is childish, we don’t just mean the pettiness and immaturity, the lashing out and the silly costume.

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Who cut Kylo Ren’s face?

This intervention allowed Rey to take the upper hand and stab Ren with his own lightsaber, mortally wounding him. Sensing Leia had passed on, and that there was an emotional shift in Kylo, Rey used the Force to heal him and save his life.

Why does KYLO Ren’s lightsaber have Crossguards?

The crossguard blades allow Ren’s saber to operate safely – his weapon is constructed around a dangerously flawed kyber crystal, which would be overloaded if not for the lateral plasma vents that create the quillons.

Why is KYLO Ren’s saber so unstable?

The lightsaber was crudely assembled and its unstable condition was evidence of Ren’s inexperience in constructing such a weapon. It was built around a dangerously flawed kyber crystal; therefore, the lightsaber relied on its lateral vents to prevent the cracked crystal from overloading.

Why did Rey say be with me?

VOICES OF JEDI PAST—ORIGINAL TRILOGY EDITION: “Be with me …” That’s what Rey says in the beginning of the film when she is meditating, and it’s what she says at the end of the movie to summon strength from the Force in her final confrontation with Emperor Palpatine.

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Why did Rey heal Ren?

The combination of Leia’s love and Rey’s sacrificial act, her willingness to give her own life energy to save Kylo Ren from death, brought him to a place of redemption at last.