
Why does my Clear Care overflow?

Why does my Clear Care overflow?

This can happen if you fill over the fill line or used a daily cleaner and NOT rinsed thoroughly with saline. ClearCare is a unique product. Also never to shake as well once the filling process is done and youve finger tightened the case.

Why are there bubbles in my contact case?

Air bubbles typically arise from improper application of the scleral lens or poor lens fit. Scleral lenses function by holding a fluid reservoir, so when bubbles appear underneath the lens that means it’s losing fluid or didn’t get enough fluid during the application process. The bottom line: Don’t skimp on the saline.

How do you get bubbles out of contacts?

If there are any air bubbles beneath the lens, close your eye, and with the eye closed, roll the eye gently. Another way of getting rid of air bubbles is to massage the lids very lightly. Under no condition, however, should you rub your eyes.

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How long can you leave contacts in clear care solution?

7 days
You can store lenses in an unopened CLEAR CARE ® or CLEAR CARE ® PLUS Solution lens case for up to 7 days. After 7 days, prior to wear, discard old solution and disinfect the lenses again.

Do you need to rinse contacts after using Clear Care?

NO. Clear Care and Clear Care Plus Solution should never be used to rinse lenses before you put them on your eyes. If you want, lenses can be rinsed with Clear Care Rinse & Go™ Solution or a sterile saline solution before inserting, although it really isn’t necessary.

Can you rinse off Clear Care?

Can I rinse my lenses with Clear Care or Clear Care Plus Solution before wearing them? NO. Clear Care and Clear Care Plus Solution should never be used to rinse lenses before you put them on your eyes. Otherwise, you’ll experience extremely unpleasant burning and stinging.

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How do I stop my scleral lenses from bubbling?

To avoid insertion of bubbles:

  1. Ensure the lens is filled to the brim with non-preserved saline, forming a meniscus.
  2. Make sure the patient’s face is parallel to the floor, with their chin tucked towards their chest.

What causes a pinguecula?

A pinguecula is caused by changes in your conjunctiva tissue. These changes have been linked to irritation caused by sun exposure, dust, and wind, and are more common as we age. These bumps or growths may contain a combination of protein, fat, or calcium, or a combination of the three.

What happens if you leave contacts in solution too long?

Also, soft contacts that sit in solution for a long time may eventually dry out as the solution evaporates. Dried-out lenses may be damaged, so don’t try to rehydrate and reuse them. Throw out those shriveled-up lenses and put in a fresh pair of contacts.

Why does Clear Care burn my eyes?

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Clear Care contains 3\% hydrogen peroxide, which can cause pain and burning if it comes into contact with the eyes. Clear Care is packaged with a special lens cleaning case. When the product is used with the special case, the hydrogen peroxide is neutralized to a solution that is safe for the eyes.