
Why don t The Walking Dead zombies decompose?

Why don t The Walking Dead zombies decompose?

Inside the body, tissues will continue to break down and detach from bone. So, zombies’ ability to walk around also defies the natural decay process, because a dead body would no longer have tendons holding its bones together.

Are the walkers rotting?

The walkers decompose many times slower than the the normal human body it may take even decades for a walker to fully decompose. Most of the walkers are the ones who turned first and since it’s only 2 years into the apocalypse there are still plenty of walker around.

How long does it take for zombies to decompose?

Moran: After nine months, depending on the environment, there wouldn’t be eyes anymore. They’re basically big sacs of fluid, so they’re the first things to go. And within 24 hours, decomposition begins. It starts with a discoloration in the lower abdomen, and within three days the entire body is showing signs of decay.

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Does the virus in The Walking Dead affect animals?

Animals don’t get infected by the zombie virus in The Walking Dead, and there has never been a direct explanation in the show as to why. Based on Robert Kirkman’s comic book series of the same name, the science behind the outbreak was presented in season 1, but not much more has been revealed ever since.

Are there still zombies in The Walking Dead?

Zombie fiction doesn’t exist in The Walking Dead universe Shedding some light on this discrepancy in a conversation with Conan O’Brien, Robert Kirkman explained why the characters never say “zombie” in The Walking Dead. According to Kirkman, zombie fiction simply doesn’t exist.

Do zombies poop Walking Dead?

Seeing as they eat things. Edit: Okay so most people agree with the book “Guide to Zombie Survival” that they don’t poop…they just keep eating until they explode.

How did humans become zombies in walking dead?

An airborne virus In the first season of The Walking Dead, we learned that every human on Earth has the virus lying dormant in their system, ready to turn them into a walker the moment they die. Some have taken this to mean that all of humanity was infected simultaneously, possibly through an airborne contaminant.