
Why if you break a magnet in two you get two magnets each with a north and south pole?

Why if you break a magnet in two you get two magnets each with a north and south pole?

Each one reinforces the magnetic fields of the others. Each one has a tiny north and south pole. If you cut one in half, the newly cut faces will become the new north or south poles of the smaller pieces.

What would happen if you broke a bar magnet into two pieces?

When a bar magnet is broken into two pieces, what happens to it? The two pieces of the original bar magnet will attract each other if they have poles at each end. The poles will repel if you break them across the long side and across the short side.

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Why do the two magnets first repel each other?

To explain why magnets repel each other, a north end of a magnetic will be attracted to the south of another magnetic. The north and north ends of two magnets as well as the south and south ends of two magnets will repel one another.

What will happen to magnet if you cut bar magnet at Centre?

When we cut along the length, pole strength of each new magnet is half the pole strength of original magnet , magnetic moment is also halved, as length remains the same. But these forces form a torque which aligns the magnetic needle in the direction of the field.

When a bar of magnet is broken into equal pieces each piece is?

each piece will have a single pole. each piece will have two unlike poles. each piece will have two like poles. the pieces do not behave as a magnet.

Why Do Broken magnets repel?

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When a magnet breaks into two pieces, the two halves may be repelled. If the magnet has an axial field (pointing through the flat face), then the North and South sides will face the same polarity when it breaks, rather than the opposite polarity. …

Why do magnets attract and repel each other Quora?

Magnetic field lines of two different magnet interact with each other. If these lines are aligned in same direction there will attract, if magnetic field lines are aligned in opposite direction they will repel each other. Magnetic field lines of two different magnet interact with each other.

When a magnet is broken vertically into two pieces the magnetic moment will be reduced to half?

As we know every atom of a magnet acts as dipole, So poles cannot be separated. When magnet is broken into two equal pieces, magnetic moment of each part will be half of the original magnet.

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What will happen if a bar magnet is cut into 4 pieces?

If a bar magnet is broken into four pieces, each piece will behave as an individual magnet because the new poles are formed at the broken ends. If these pieces are broken further, the smaller pieces still remains as individual magnets with two opposite poles.

Who is the magnet Man of India?

Arun Raikwar
A man who claims to be magnetic has demonstrated his bizarre talent by placing household cutlery all over his body. Arun Raikwar, 37, placed metal objects on his upper body to prove they don’t fall off.