
Why is a fuel cell so useful in spacecraft?

Why is a fuel cell so useful in spacecraft?

SOFCs are being considered for power generation and for use in space because of their high efficiency, high power density, and extremely low pollution. They have an all-solid construction and can operate at high temperatures–producing clean, efficient power from easy-to-transport fuels instead of pure hydrogen.

Why are fuel cells used on space shuttles?

Overview. Fuel cells are used in the space shuttle as one component of the electrical power system. The fuel cell power plants generate heat and water as by-products of electrical power generation. The excess heat is directed to fuel cell heat exchangers, where the excess heat is rejected to Freon coolant loops.

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How does regenerative fuel cell work?

Regenerative Fuel Cells combine an electrolyzer that converts solar energy into stored chemical energy (pressurized hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gas), with a fuel cell that can convert the chemical energy back to electric power and water.

Why are fuel cells more efficient?

Fuel cells are more efficient than combustion engines as they operate at a higher thermodynamic efficiency. Combustion engines must first convert their fuel into heat, then into mechanical energy, and finally into electricity. Fuel cells skip those intermediary steps.

What fuel works in space?

liquid hydrogen
Today, liquid hydrogen is the signature fuel of the American space program and is used by other countries in the business of launching satellites. In addition to the Atlas, Boeing’s Delta III and Delta IV now have liquid-oxygen/liquid-hydrogen upper stages.

What is reverse fuel cell?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A regenerative fuel cell or reverse fuel cell (RFC) is a fuel cell run in reverse mode, which consumes electricity and chemical B to produce chemical A. By definition, the process of any fuel cell could be reversed.

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What is the working principle of fuel cell?

A fuel cell is composed of an anode, cathode, and an electrolyte membrane. A typical fuel cell works by passing hydrogen through the anode of a fuel cell and oxygen through the cathode. At the anode site, a catalyst splits the hydrogen molecules into electrons and protons.

How can fuel cell efficiency be improved?

“We found that compression makes platinum much more active. We observed a 90 per cent enhancement in the ability of platinum to reduce oxygen in water. This could improve the efficiency of hydrogen fuel cells,” he said. The findings were published in the journal Science.