
Why is clayey soil important?

Why is clayey soil important?

Clays are the source of many of the chemical and physical properties of soils that make them a useful medium for the growth of plants and for the less common uses such as a medium for the disposal of wastes. Clays add much of the diversity found in soils.

What is clay in geotechnical engineering?

Clay is a very important material in geotechnical engineering, because it is often observed in geotechnical engineering practice. Clay is a fine-grained soil, but not all fine-grained soils are clay. Clay minerals are very electrochemically active; thus, they affect soil microstructures.

What characteristics of clayey soils might make them troublesome for geotechnical engineers?

When exposed to increments of water, clay tends to soften and liquefy. Clay often causes difficulties in construction with its low strength and stiffness. This has caused serious problems in geotechnical engineering because weak soil may cause damage to the foundation of buildings and cracks along the road pavement.

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Why soil basic properties are important in geotechnical engineering?

It gives an idea about suitability of the soil as a construction material; higher value of specific gravity gives more strength for roads and foundations. It is also used in calculation of void ratio, porosity, degree of saturation and other soil parameters [16].

How is clayey soil useful for crops?

Complete answer: – Clayey is known to be useful for crops. Because the particle size in this soil is very fine, it has the ability to retain more amounts of water. – This makes it easy for crops to access water as it is very essential for the growth of the plant.

What is clayey soil Short answer?

Clayey soil has very small sized particles. These particles are packed tightly and therefore can retain water. Clayey soil is also rich in organic matter. For growing crops such as wheat, gram, and paddy, the soil should be good at retaining water and rich in organic matter is suitable.

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What are the characteristics of clayey soil?

2.5. Clay soils feel very sticky and roll like plasticine when wet. They can hold more total water than most other soil types and, although only about half of this is available to plants, crops seldom suffer from drought.

How important is soil engineering?

Among properties of soils highly important in engineering are permeability, strength, compaction characteristics, drainage, shrink-swell potential, grain size, plasticity, and reaction. Also important are depth to the water table, depth to bedrock, and soil slopes.

Why is clayey soil good for growing crops like paddy?

Clayey soil has very small sized particles. These particles are packed tightly and therefore can retain water. For growing crops such as wheat, gram, and paddy, the soil should be good at retaining water and rich in organic matter is suitable.

How is clayey soil useful for crops answer Class 7?

Water retention capacity of the clayey soil is quite high. Also, clayey soil is rich in humus and is very fertile. Hence, clayey soil useful for crops (such as wheat).

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How is clayey soil useful for crops answer?

– Clayey is known to be useful for crops. Because the particle size in this soil is very fine, it has the ability to retain more amounts of water. – This makes it easy for crops to access water as it is very essential for the growth of the plant. – Some of the crops need a high amount of water in order to grow.