
Why is commutation needed?

Why is commutation needed?

The commutator on the DC generator converts the AC into pulsating DC. On DC and most AC motors the purpose of the commutator is to insure that the current flowing through the rotor windings is always in the same direction, and the proper coil on the rotor is energized in respect to the field coils.

What is mean by commutation of SCR?

Commutation of SCR is defined as the process of turning off an SCR / thyristor. It is the process by which an SCR or thyristor is brought to OFF state from ON state. We know that, an SCR is turned on by applying a gate signal to a forward biased SCR.

What is commutation in DC generator?

The commutation in DC machine or more specifically commutation in DC generator is the process in which generated alternating current in the armature winding of a dc machine is converted into direct current after going through the commutator and the stationary brushes.

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What is commutation explain in detail?

Commutation refers to the right that a beneficiary has to exchange one type of income for another. When this happens, the net present value (NPV) of all remaining payments is computed into a single payment that is given to the beneficiary or to the annuitant.

What is commutation of pension in India?

At the time of retirement, if an employee opts for commutation of pension, a lump sum amount is paid to the pensioner while on the balance the pension begins. In simple terms, commutation means a lump sum payment in lieu of periodic payments of pension. a) The payment in such a case will be made by the bank.

What is commutation in DC?

The commutation in DC machine or more specifically commutation in DC generator is the process in which generated alternating current in the armature winding of a dc machine is converted into direct current after going through the commutator and the stationary brushes. It is called commutation period.