
Why is diarrhea harder spelling?

Why is diarrhea harder spelling?

It’s simply because it’s a Greek word, and Greek spelling patterns are very different from English ones. The spelling is even harder if you’re British: British spelling generally stays closer to the original Greek than American spelling does, and so it’s ‘diarrhoea’.

Why diarrhea is spelled with an o?

The word diarrhea is from the Ancient Greek διάρροια from διά dia “through” and ῥέω rheo “flow”. Diarrhea is the spelling in American English, whereas diarrhoea is the spelling in British English.

How do you remember to spell diarrhea?

Mnemonic Device: Dash In A Real Rush, Hurry Or Else Accident! Dead In A Rolls-Royce Having Over-Eaten Again.

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What sickness includes diarrhea?

Viruses that can cause diarrhea include Norwalk virus (also known as norovirus), enteric adenoviruses, astrovirus, cytomegalovirus and viral hepatitis. Rotavirus is a common cause of acute childhood diarrhea.

How is diarrhea spelled in the UK?

Usage notes. Diarrhea is the American and Canadian spelling; diarrhoea is the British / Irish spelling.

What are the three types of diarrhea?

There are three clinical types of diarrhoea:

  • acute watery diarrhoea – lasts several hours or days, and includes cholera;
  • acute bloody diarrhoea – also called dysentery; and.
  • persistent diarrhoea – lasts 14 days or longer.

How do the British spell diarrhea?

Diarrhea is the American and Canadian spelling; diarrhoea is the British / Irish spelling.

What is the etymological meaning of diarrhoea?

Etymological Approach: 1. The spelling of “diarrhea” is an appropriation of the Greek “diarrhoia” meaning “a flowing through.”. 2. Middle English diaria, from Medieval Latin, from Late Latin diarrhoea, from Greek diarroia, from diarrein, to flow through : dia-, dia- + rhein, to flow, run; see sreu- in Indo-European roots.]

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Is it diarrhea or diarrhoea?

In English it is diarrhoea, in American English it is diarrhea. So strictly speaking BOTH are correct, but it depends on the version of English you speak in your country. Just like Colour is the English, and Color is the American English for the same word.

What is the origin of the word Diaria?

2. Middle English diaria, from Medieval Latin, from Late Latin diarrhoea, from Greek diarroia, from diarrein, to flow through : dia-, dia- + rhein, to flow, run; see sreu- in Indo-European roots.]

Is it diarrhoea or lazer?

3 Answers. In English it is diarrhoea, in American English it is diarrhea. So strictly speaking BOTH are correct, but it depends on the version of English you speak in your country. Just like Colour is the English, and Color is the American English for the same word. And Laser is English, while Lazer is the American English version.