
Why is it important to protect plants and animals?

Why is it important to protect plants and animals?

it is necessary to conserve the plants and animals to protect our environments, it also necessary to protect animals because now a days many animals like tiger,panda, etc are became extinct ,also conservation of plants is so so improtant to control air ,land and soil polutions and cutting of trees should be protected …

Why do we need to protect plants?

The natural processes of plants protect our planet and supply the air we breathe and the water we drink. Plants prevent soil erosion and desertification. Plants provide the raw materials for food, clothing, medicines, construction and many other products that sustain our lives.

Why do we need to protect animals?

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WHY SHOULD ANIMALS BE PROTECTED? Animals also play a critical role in the ecosystems and biospheres that make life on Earth possible for humans. Protecting animals—as well as the oceans, forests, and grasslands they inhabit—will help safeguard the future for all species, including homo sapiens.

How should we protect plants and animals?

To protect our flora and fauna and their habitats, protected areas called wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and biosphere reserves have been earmarked. Plantation, cultivation, grazing, felling trees, hunting and poaching are prohibited there.

Why are plants important to animals?

Animals, who are incapable of making their own food, depend on plants for their supply of food. The oxygen that animals breathe comes from plants. Through photosynthesis, plants take energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and water and minerals from the soil.

Why should we protect and plant trees?

Trees play a super important role in improving the quality of the soil around them in numerous ways. As part of their carbon filtering properties, they remove carbon and other noxious substances from the soil, allowing other plants to flourish. Good quality soil should contain no more than 2\% carbon.

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How can we protect and conserve plants and animals?

How to Conserve Plants and Animals

  1. Conserve the Environments for Plants and Animals.
  2. Control Market Forces for Plant and Animal Resources.
  3. Reduce Human Demand on Animals and Plants.
  4. Consider How Solutions May Cause Unintended Consequences.

What do plants and animals need to grow?

Key concepts include a) animals need adequate food, water, shelter, air, and space to survive; b) plants need nutrients, water, air, light, and a place to grow to survive.

Why do animals and plants need food?

1 All animals need food in order to live and grow. They obtain their food from plants or from other animals. Plants need water and light to live and grow. 3 Plants depend on water and light to grow.

Why do we need to plant trees essay?

Planting more trees can help in reducing the levels of air pollution as they absorb pollutant gases and filter out the particulates. It also maintains the temperature of an area at a lower level than an area that does not have trees. They are also the habitat for birds and many other animals.