
Why is it so cloudy in Pittsburgh?

Why is it so cloudy in Pittsburgh?

The combination of the lakes and upward-moving air means the Pittsburgh region sees lots of clouds, all the time. Air that’s warmer than its environment is unstable. In order to stabilize, it moves upward. As it rises, it cools and produces stratocumulus clouds – the long, gray clouds that frequently fill the sky.

How many days a year is Pittsburgh cloudy?

306 cloudy days
Pittsburgh has an average of just 59 clear days a year, with 306 cloudy days, according to 2018 data from the National Centers for Environmental Information. That makes it one of the cloudiest cities in the country.

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What is the cloudiest month in Pittsburgh?

The cloudiest month of the year in Pittsburgh is January, during which on average the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy 68\% of the time.

Why is Pittsburgh smoky?

Smoke pollution was the most noticeable effect of coal consumption and gave the city its identity as the “City of Smoke.” The rivers also became contaminated due to them being a popular transportation route and disposal location for sewage.

How often is Pittsburgh cloudy?

Most Cloudy Days

City Cloudy Days a Year \% of Days
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 306 84
Rochester, New York 304 83
Cleveland, Ohio 299 82
Portland, Oregon 296 81

Is Pittsburgh the cloudiest city?

Here’s another Steel City superlative that you probably suspected: Pittsburgh is the cloudiest city in the United States. According to, the ‘Burgh averages 77\% cloud cover and sees the sun for about 2,021 hours annually.

Is Pa always cloudy?

Partly Sunny Days have cloud covering from 40\% to 70\% of the sky during the daytime. Total Days With Sun is a sum of the Sunny plus Partly Sunny days. The rest of the days are mainly overcast, with at least 80\% cloud cover. All the numbers are annual averages, made from years of weather watching.

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How is the air quality in Pittsburgh PA?

In 2020, the yearly average of Pittsburgh taken in PM2. 5 was 10.1 μg/m³. This placed the city into the ‘good’ air quality rating bracket, which when taken by PM2. 5 standards, is recorded in micrograms per cubic meter (as opposed to the different measurement process that goes into the US AQI reading).

Does Pittsburgh still produce steel?

Once the center of the American steel industry, and still known as “The Steel City”, today the city of Pittsburgh has no steel mills within its limits, though Pittsburgh-based companies such as US Steel, Ampco Pittsburgh and Allegheny Technologies own several working mills in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area.

Why does Pittsburgh smell bad?

The distinctive rotten egg smell comes from hydrogen sulfide, an industrial byproduct. Pennsylvania’s largest source of this smell is the Clairton Coke Works, a U.S. Steel facility located just south of Pittsburgh and one of Allegheny County’s “Toxic Ten” worst polluters.

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Why is Pittsburgh air bad?

Pittsburgh’s air has improved over the years, but it still got an “F” in ozone and particulate matter pollution from the National Lung Association this year. It ranked 9th worst in the United States for long-term particle pollution.