
Why is phenylalanine bad for PKU?

Why is phenylalanine bad for PKU?

Phenylalanine can cause intellectual disabilities, brain damage, seizures and other problems in people with PKU . Phenylalanine occurs naturally in many protein-rich foods, such as milk, eggs and meat. Phenylalanine is also sold as a dietary supplement.

What is phenylalanine in PKU?

Phenylketonuria (commonly known as PKU) is an inherited disorder that increases the levels of a substance called phenylalanine in the blood. Phenylalanine is a building block of proteins (an amino acid ) that is obtained through the diet. It is found in all proteins and in some artificial sweeteners.

What is phenylalanine and its function?

Phenylalanine is an amino acid found in many foods. Your body uses L-phenylalanine to make proteins and other important molecules. It has also been studied as a treatment for several medical conditions, including skin disorders and depression (2).

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What is phenylalanine side effects?

Side effects may include:

  • Heartburn.
  • Fatigue.
  • Nausea.
  • Constipation.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Anxiety and hypomania (a milder form of mania)
  • Sedation.

Can phenylalanine cause high blood pressure?

Phenylalanine can increase a chemical in the body called tyramine. Large amounts of tyramine can cause high blood pressure.

What enzyme breaks phenylalanine?

Usually, the body breaks down phenylalanine with an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) to make proteins.

What cell is affected by phenylketonuria?

PKU affects the brain. The signaling molecules that brain cells use to communicate with each other are called neurotransmitters. When neurotransmitters are not made in the right amounts, the brain cannot function properly.

Why do people with phenylketonuria have light skin?

Children with PKU have lower levels of melanin, the substance that gives color to hair and skin. That’s because when phenylalanine is broken down, one of its products is used to make melanin. As a result, children with PKU often will have pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes.