
Why is Pinterest not showing my pins?

Why is Pinterest not showing my pins?

This is due to the resource-saving method Pinterest uses to help keep the speed of Pinterest. Its called infinite-scroll and it will only actively “load” a handful of Pins on the page and actively “unload” the other Pins as you scroll. When the “unload” part happens our extension cannot “see” these Pins anymore.

Why is Pinterest not showing pictures?

If you don’t see the image you want to pin, there might be an issue with your site – maybe because of lazy loading, or the wrong image formats. It could be that Pinterest did not check your site for a new image yet. Use the Pinterest Rich Pin Validator to tell them to do this.

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How can I see all my pins on Pinterest?

Just go to that board and find your saved pins. Or if you click on your profile then Pinterest will automatically show all the pins you have saved.

Can anyone see your pins on Pinterest?

Secret Boards on Pinterest are only viewable to you and anyone you invite to the Board. When you save Pins to a secret Board, They won’t appear on your home feed, in search results, or on your Pinterest page (to anyone but you and your collaborators)!

Why is my Pinterest not loading?

Enable Javascript in your browser. Update your browser . Disable other extensions one-by-one to see if an extension is interfering. Ad-blocking, anti-tracking, and virus-scanning extensions can disable elements on the page and interact poorly with Pinterest.

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How do I make my Pinterest pins go viral?

There are several things you can do to increase your chances of making a pin go viral:

  1. create eye-catching pins.
  2. optimise your pin with keywords.
  3. optimise your boards with keywords.
  4. pin images from your blog posts as well as your pins.
  5. pin at the correct frequency and time.
  6. pin to your most relevant board first.
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How do I unsave pins on Pinterest?

Delete a Pin

  1. Log into your Pinterest account.
  2. Click your profile picture at the top-right of your screen.
  3. Click into a board, then into a section if that’s where you saved the Pin.
  4. Click on a Pin to open it.
  5. Click the ellipsis icon.
  6. Select Edit Pin.
  7. Click Delete in the bottom-left corner.
  8. Click Delete Pin to confirm.