
Why Pam is the best character on The Office?

Why Pam is the best character on The Office?

Pam is another character who showed amazing growth over nine seasons. In fact, she might have grown the most. After breaking up with Roy, she followed her heart and did what made her happy. She went to art school, she changed gears at work, she became more outspoken, and she finally allowed herself to give in to Jim.

How would you describe Pam in the office?

friendly and sweet, but shy and a bit mousy. Pam’s never been the type to take a stand or “go for it.” She says more with her face than with words. She tolerates without complaint.

What is Pam’s personality?

As an INFP personality, Pam may seem reserved on the outside, but on the inside she’s bubbling with passion for the things she loves, like art.

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Who is the most liked person in the office?

The Office: 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Can’t Stand)

  1. 1 Hated: Gabe Lewis. Gabe Lewis came on to the scene when Dunder Mifflin was bought out by Sabre.
  2. 2 Loved: Michael Scott.
  3. 3 Hated: Todd Packer.
  4. 4 Loved: Erin Hannon.
  5. 5 Hated: Cathy Simms.
  6. 6 Loved: Holly Flax.
  7. 7 Hated: Jan Levinson.
  8. 8 Loved: Jim Halpert.

Does Pam like Michael?

There were many times where Michael and Pam didn’t get along as the boss would often cross a personal boundary by saying or doing something offensive. However, they gradually became good friends, with Pam becoming a confidant and a moral compass for Michael. In turn, Michael would always be the first to have her back.

What happens to Pam in the office?

Her character is initially the receptionist at the paper distribution company Dunder Mifflin, before becoming a saleswoman and eventually office administrator until she left in the series finale.

Does Pam hate Michael?

Even though she doesn’t like them dating, she behaves even worse when Michael dumps her mom. She just freaks out and even slaps him in front of the entire office. It is natural that fans poured their hate over Pam immaturely dealing with Michael and assaulting him, which was totally unwarranted.

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Was Pam toxic?

Pam is the most toxic person in the entire show (maybe I’m exaggerating) and honestly sucks. She is selfish and won’t let Jim achieve is professional dreams and be at the job he wants to be at. When Jim left Pam had to have a full time job while taking complete care of two kids on her own.